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- Evaluation of Aid
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Study type
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- EBA reports
of results

Democracy and Human Rights, Economic Development
Extreme Poverty and Marginalisation in Bangladesh: Drivers and Lessons for Development Cooperation
Owasim Akram, Mathilde Maîtrot, Joe Devine
Bangladesh has experienced significant economic development in recent years, but the prevalence of extreme poverty among minority groups remains high. This study examines how exclusion, discrimination, and structural barriers contribute to...
Climate and Environment
NDFs mitigation finance: a portfolio evaluation
Annika Hilgert, Fiona Lambe
This evaluation of the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) climate portfolio is part of a larger evaluation that aims to determine whether Swedish development finance for climate mitigation is financing efforts that are likely to contribute to...
"Dig Our Heels In": Sida’s Civil Society Partners and The Backlash Against Sexual and...
Sofia Kahma
The protection, respect, and promotion of gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) have long been central to Swedish international development cooperation. The Government’s reform agenda for development...
Infertility Risk and Child Marriage
Evelina Linnros
What does the link between infertility risk and marriage timing look like? This study investigates whether exposure to an infertility-causing strain of the parasitic disease schistosomiasis affects the probability of child marriage in...
Impact of Non-Health Sector Determinants on Child Health and the Role of the Sustainable...
Daniel Helldén
Of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the 2030 Agenda, one is specifically about health – Goal 3. But how does a country’s development affect children’s health in relation to the other 16 goals? And how does children’s...
Health and Social Protection
To connect a system to more of itself
Seye Abimbola
This background report is a chapter from the anthology ‘An Anthology of Trends and Perspectives on Global Health’. The anthology is only available in Swedish, but three of the chapters are written in English. This is one of...
Health and Social Protection
Rebuilding a health system – experiences from Somalia
Fawziya Abikar Nur
This working paper is a chapter from the anthology ‘An Anthology of Trends and Perspectives on Global Health’. The anthology is only available in Swedish, but three of the chapters are written in English. This is one of...

Health and Social Protection
An anthology of trends and perspectives on global health
Jesper Sundewall, Malin Ahrne
Global health is an important area of Swedish development aid with many intersections with other policy areas such as climate, trade, migration, and research and innovation. This anthology brings together many different voices and...
Health and Social Protection
The Commission on Investing in Health 3.0: A Roadmap to Halving Premature Death by 2050
Gavin Yamey, Sarah Bolongaita, Angela Chang, Ayodamope Fawole, Dean Jamison, Omar Karlsson, Wenhui Mao, Ole Norheim, Osondu Ogbuoji, Marco Schäferhoff, David Watkins, Jesper Sundewall, Armand Zimmerman
This working paper is a chapter from the anthology ‘An Anthology of Trends and Perspectives on Global Health’. The anthology is only available in Swedish, but three of the chapters are written in English. This is one of...

Reformagendans genomförande: en startrapport
Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys
This report presents an analysis of the government’s strategic direction for Swedish development assistance, ‘Development assistance for a new era – freedom, empowerment and sustainable growth’. By analysing which goals and...
English-Swedish glossary of key terms in aid evaluation
Jan Pettersson, Joakim Molander, Lena Johansson de Château, Stefan Dahlgren, Sven Olander
This glossary provides conceptual clarity to enable thoughtful approaches to results-based management, monitoring and evaluation. General concepts that are defined elsewhere are used here in standard, widely accepted ways and are therefore...

Climate and Environment
Swedish Climate-change Mitigation Finance
Annika Hilgert, Fiona Lambe, Flintull Annica Eriksson, Igor Shishlov, Luisa Weber, Max Schmidt, Númi Östlund, Per Strömberg
This report investigates the role of Swedish climate aid in achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement. The focus is on catalytic climate-change mitigation finance and the initiatives of three key institutions: the Swedish...
Organisation and Management of Aid
Swedish Multi-Bi Aid and Development Effectiveness
Anna Sjöberg Tibblin, Lennart Wohlgemuth
Development effectiveness is crucial to ensure that aid leads to sustainable results. The internationally agreed effectiveness principles– local ownership, focus on results, inclusive partnerships, transparency and mutual accountability...
Climate and Environment
Swedish Bilateral Climate Change Adaptation Aid: Comparing Practice with Evidence
Lennart Weitzel
Climate change is a pressing global issue with severe consequences for ecosystems, biodiversity, and human societies. Many vulnerable countries, particularly those in the Global South, are disproportionately affected. International aid is...

Democracy and Human Rights
External Support to Constitution Building Processes
Andy Carl, Anna Dziedzic, Cheryl Saunders, Samantha Smith
The global autocratization wave implies among other that rule-of-law is on the retreat globally, and the number of un-constitutional take-overs have increased. Constitutions are at the foundation of social contracts. However, they may also...

Democracy and Human Rights
Evidence‐Based Anti‐Corruption? Evaluation of Sida’s Efforts to Reduce Corruption in Partner...
Marina Nistotskaya, Hayden Buker, Marcia Grimes, Anna Persson, Michelle D’Arcy, Bo Rothstein, Adea Gafuri
Corruption constitutes a serious barrier to sustainable development. During the last few years, Sida has strengthened its efforts to tackle corruption in partner countries. This report presents a comprehensive evaluation of the potential...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Analysis, Evaluation
Transparency in Swedish international aid
Cristoffer Lokatt, Pontus Hedlin
Transparency in Swedish international aid is crucial for ensuring its effectiveness and accountability. This report presents a comprehensive study of transparency in Swedish aid, with a particular focus on Sweden’s work with the...
Evaluation of Aid
What does Sida's annual report say about aid performance? The example of employment
Markus Burman
Accurate reporting of aid results is important for several reasons. It is important from an accountability perspective, for internal learning and for understanding whether Swedish aid is contributing to its overall objective of creating...

Climate and Environment
Public Opinion on Carbon Pricing and Revenue Uses in East Africa
Anna Nordén, Daniel Slunge, Niklas Harring
Climate investments and environmental reforms run a high risk of failure if acceptance is low. As African countries develop their climate action plans under the Paris Agreement, it is therefore important that governments, donors and other...

Evaluation of Aid
The Long and Winding Road: Evaluation of Swedish Long-Term Development Cooperation with Liberia
Anouchka Baldin, Christoph Emminghaus, Johanna Schaefer-Kehnert, John Pokoo, Julian Klauke, Kou Meapeh Gbaintor-Johnson, Simon Wallisch, Tillman Hönig
The EBA-report The Long and Winding Road: Evaluation of Swedish Long-Term Development Cooperation with Liberia´’ evaluates the Swedish development cooperation with Liberia. It also summarises the most important lessons for future...
Climate and Environment
Sida’s Climate Mitigation Finance: a Portfolio Evaluation
Igor Shishlov, Luisa Weber, Max Schmidt
This working paper examines the climate mitigation finance portfolio of the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), focusing on projects undertaken between 2017 and 2022. The authors analyse the projects' features, such as their...
When Does Women’s Political Representation Lead to Policy Change?
Valeriya Mechkova
How does an increase in female political representation affect the promotion of women’s interests in politics and policy, and under what conditions can we expect women politicians to positively influence policymaking? This thesis...
Democracy and Human Rights
Challenges to Protest Participation in Non-Democratic Contexts: A Privilege of the Privileged
Elizaveta Kopacheva
What are the underlying factors behind limited protest participation in semi-authoritarian regimes? This thesis tests the applicability of political participation theories and the role of individual factors in explaining on- and offline...
Democracy and Human Rights
Aid by Democratic Versus Autocratic Donors: Democratisation Processes and Citizens’ Perceptions...
Adea Gafuri
How does aid impact democratization processes and citizens’ attitudes or ideas about democracy? This thesis explores how aid and financial initiatives from democratic and autocratic donors affect the level and quality of democracy in...

Aid for Trade: A research review with recommendations for Swedish aid
Ari Kokko, Patrik Tingvall
Since the beginning of Swedish official development assistance, both the role of trade in development and the role of Swedish trade in aid have been discussed with varying intensity. Already in the document that is regarded as the basic...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Supporting Local Actors: Evaluation of Sweden’s Application of the Grand Bargain Localisation...
Charlotte Lattimer, Cheery Zahau, Dmytro Kondratenko, Gang Karume, Kateryna Korenkova, Sophia Swithern, Teddy Atim
Local and national actors are the first responders in humanitarian crises. They provide ongoing support, and they stay on when the international organisations leave. Yet they have been structurally marginalised by the international...

The EBA Aid Review 2024
Our annual report The EBA Aid Review 2024 summarises insights and conclusions from our reports and seminars from the previous year. The report is written for a wide audience of policy makers, practitioners and students, as well as the...

Health and Social Protection
The Swedish Aid Response to the HIV Epidemic: An Overview
Hannah Kabelka, Josefine Olsson, Liana Petrosova, Noor Tromp, Pam Baatsen, Renée Robbers, Thyra de Jongh
The first cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) appeared in the late 1970s and the disease rapidly developed into an international epidemic in the 1980s. Some countries in Africa have been particularly hard hit, with a large...
Economic Development
Markets and Marketplaces: Essays on Access and Transformation in Remote Rural Economies
Tillmann von Carnap
How can people in remote rural regions that live in poverty efficiently get access to income opportunities and essential services? That is one of the questions that this thesis tries to answer. “Markets and marketplaces: Essays on...
Trade Networks and Social Relationships in Changing Social-Ecological Systems
Blanca González-Mon
How does trade networks in the agriculture and fishing industries manage to respond to challenges and crisis to secure sustainable food systems? This thesis investigates the role of trade networks as social systems in responding to changes...
Peace, Security and Conflict
Violent Natural Resource Conflicts: Definitions, Frameworks, and Modelling Towards Prevention
Marie Shellens
What are the mechanisms at play when conflicts related to natural resources become violent? That is one of the questions that this Development Dissertation Brief (DDB) tries to answer. To reverse vicious circles of conflict to virtuous...
Peace, Security and Conflict
Food Insecurity and Social Conflict
Ida Rudolfsen
Under what conditions does food insecurity lead to urban unrest? This Development Dissertation Brief answers this question by examining the effect of food insecurity on citizens' willingness to participate in urban unrest in low- and...
Peace, Security and Conflict
Analysis, Other
Bridge over Troubled Water: Conflict and Cooperation During Water Scarcity
Stefan Döring
A large number of people worldwide face challenges in access to water, which are made more serious by climate change. This Development Dissertation Brief uses statistical modelling to show how drought can both increase violence and lead to...

Organisation and Management of Aid
The Evolution of Aid Conditionality: A Review of the Literature of the Last Twenty Years
Patrick Guillaumont, Matthieu Boussichas, Andrea Dsouza
Official Development Assistance is never provided free of conditions, and the provision of aid is ultimately at the donors’ discretion. However, aid relations often contain other, more extensive demands on recipient organisations, and...

Equality, Organisation and Management of Aid
Analysis, Evaluation
More Than a Label, Less Than a Revolution: Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy
Ann Towns, Elin Bjarnegård, Katarzyna Jezierska
During eight years, 2014–2022, Sweden pursued a feminist foreign policy (FFP). Sweden was the first country in the world to declare an FFP and also became the first country to retract one. Since 2014, FFP has spread internationally, and...

Organisation and Management of Aid, Public Administration
It's results that count: Towards improved reporting of the Swedish aid
Helena Hede Skagerlind, Númi Östlund
The Government’s reporting of results of Swedish aid to the Riksdag is the only comprehensive assessment of the overall performance of Swedish aid. This is a study of the Government’s reporting based on the reporting requirements....
Organisation and Management of Aid
Settlements for migration costs in Sweden: what do we know?
Jan Pettersson, Henrik Malm Lindberg, Mats Hårsmar
Since the 1990s, Sweden has reported costs for asylum reception in the home country as aid. As Sweden budgets for total aid to amount to a specific volume (previously in the form of a target of one per cent of GNI, now a fixed sum),...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Mapping, Other
Influence in Multilateral Aid Organizations: A Literature Review
Isabella Strindevall, Magnus Lundgren
Sweden is an important donor to the multilateral system, working to achieve its aid and development goals through significant financial support to multilateral organisations, such as the European Union, the United Nations and the World...
Climate and Environment
Swedish Climate Aid: What Does the Data Tell Us?
Otto Williams
Climate change is a defining challenge of our era, and the world’s nations, through the Paris Agreement, have pledged to tackle it through both emissions’ mitigation and adaptation strategies. Sweden has emphasised development...
Equality, Health and Social Protection
The Role of Aid in the Provision of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
Jesper Sundewall, Björn Ekman, Jessy Schmit
Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) has long been a priority in Swedish aid. Despite progress, many people in poorer countries lack access to SRHR, and the dependence on aid in the health sector is often considerable. What...
Education and Research, Health and Social Protection, Organisation and Management of Aid
Payment by Results in Aid: A Review of the Evidence
Geske Dijkstra
The evidence on the effectiveness of Payment by results for outputs, outcomes and impact is mixed, especially when taking into account the quality of studies. To the extent there is evidence on improved transparency and accountability, and...

Annual report: The EBA Aid Review 2023
Our annual report The EBA Aid Review 2023 summarises insights and conclusions from our reports and seminars from the previous year. The report is written for a wide audience of policy makers, practitioners and students, as well as the...
Health and Social Protection
The Rise of Social Protection in the Global South: The Role of Foreign Aid
Miguel Niño-Zarazúa, Ana Horigoshi, Alma Santillán Hernández, Ernesto Tiburcio
More than half of the world’s population has no access to social safety nets or social insurance. What is international development aid doing to address this? This study demonstrates that, while international aid has contributed to the...
Organisation and Management of Aid
Who makes the decisions on Swedish aid funding? (In Swedish)
The Expert Group for Aid Studies
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the financial governance of Swedish ODA at the national level. Many different stakeholders at various levels are involved in the decisionmaking process for Swedish aid including the...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Who makes the decisions on Swedish aid funding? An overview
The Expert Group for Aid Studies
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the financial governance of Swedish ODA at the national level. Many different stakeholders at various levels are involved in the decisionmaking process for Swedish aid including the...

Economic Development, Peace, Security and Conflict
Back from the ashes: Swedish and global contribution to Ukraine's reconstruction
Anders Olofsgård, Maria Perrotta Berlin
It is reasonable that Ukraine’s share of the development assistance budget should increase significantly given the circumstances, but it is important to understand the size of the investments that will be required for reconstruction –...
Organisation and Management of Aid
Member State Influence in the Negotiations on the Neighbourhood, Development and International...
Magnus Lundgren, Jonas Tallberg, Camilla Pedersen
After three years of negotiation a new long-term EU budget for (2021–2027) was agreed upon in 2021. The Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), which covers the EU’s development cooperation with...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Swedish Development Cooperation with Ethiopia: Sixty Years of Lessons Learned
Bereket Kebede, Leif Danielsson, Hailu Elias, Gunnar Köhlin
One of the most important partner countries for Swedish aid has historically been Ethiopia; the country became Sweden’s first bilateral development cooperation partner in 1954, while Swedish development financing to Ethiopia remains...
Organisation and Management of Aid
Thematic Theories of change contributing to the Agenda 2030
Suvi Virkkunen, Alva Bruun
This working paper is one of the contributions to the EBA anthology on theories of change (ToC) in development cooperation. The authors, Suvi Virkkunen and Alva Bruun (both formerly with the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs) describe...
Organisation and Management of Aid
Description of method, Review
How to change the world? An anthology of theories of change
Kim Forss, Númi Östlund
Aid must achieve results; it must contribute to positive change for people living in poverty and oppression. The question of how to achieve such change has followed Swedish aid since its inception in the 1960s. The answers have been many,...
Education and Research, Organisation and Management of Aid
Description of method
Engaging with Institutions: Clarifying Goals and Developing Theories of Change
Adam Pain
This working paper is one of the contributions to the EBA anthology on theories of change (ToC) in development cooperation. The author, Adam Pain, discusses ToCs for a common type of intervention in Swedish development cooperation: support...

Democracy and Human Rights, Organisation and Management of Aid
Description of method
An Approach to Theory of Change for Swedish Development Cooperation?
Joakim Molander, Wolfgang Biersack
In this text, Joakim Molander and Wolfgang Biersack describe the theory of change that International IDEA has established to guide the organisation towards its objective of promoting and advancing sustainable democracy. IDEA’s theory of...

Organisation and Management of Aid
A Team Player and Free Agent: Sweden’s Engagement with EU Country and Joint Programming
Erik Lundsgaarde
This study explores the relationship between Sweden and the EU in the area of development cooperation. It focuses on programming at the partner country level, where the majority of development cooperation is programmed and implemented. The...

Equality, Evaluation of Aid
Evaluation of strategic secondments for Swedish policy influence
Lisa Dellmuth, Paul T. Levin, Nicklas Svensson
A large part of Sweden’s foreign policy takes place within – and through – multilateral organisations, such as the UN, the EU or the various development banks. Sweden is also one of the largest donors to the multilateral system: the...

Health and Social Protection, Organisation and Management of Aid
Swedish Aid in the Time of the Pandemic
Carsten Schwensen, Jonas Lövkrona, Louise Scheibel Smed
This report analyses how adjustments of Swedish aid were managed within the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Sida during the COVID-19 pandemic. In doing so, it contributes to knowledge on how development cooperation was impacted by the...

Economic Development, Evaluation of Aid
Mapping Swedish Aid to Agriculture
Ivar Virgin, Alice Castensson, Filippa Ek, Ylva Ran
Agricultural development can strongly contribute to poverty reduction in low-income countries. Despite this, Swedish development aid to the agriculture, forestry and fishery sectors constitute a small share of total aid flows. During...

Health and Social Protection, Migration
Social protection for the forcibly displaced in low- and middle-income countries
Jason Gagnon, Mona Ahmed, Lisa Hjelm, Jens Hesemann
This paper provides the first overview of efforts by low- and middle-income countries to extend the coverage of national social protection systems to forcibly displaced persons within their borders. It presents a baseline of de jure...

Organisation and Management of Aid, Public Administration
Riksdagspartierna och biståndet: konflikt eller konsensus?
Thomas Larue
Published in Swedish...

Peace, Security and Conflict
Condoning, Condemning or Confronting? Triggers and Responses to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
Karin Johansson
Conflict-related sexual violence by state actors has received increasing attention in international politics. This Development Dissertation Brief explores the effects of domestic protests and international condemnations on the occurrence...

Climate and Environment
Between Radical and Realistic: Biodiversity, Transformation and Development Cooperation
Tilman Hertz
This report commences by providing a background to one of today’s most important global challenges – the rapid loss of biodiversity – before discussing the role of development actors in general and donors, such as Sida, in protecting...

Democracy and Human Rights
National Human Rights Institutions in Africa: Design and Effectiveness
Karin Sundström
National human rights institutions are important for the protection of human rights, though they can serve as both as watchdogs and lapdogs to their governments. This Development Dissertation Brief uses multiple methods to explore why...

Humanitarian Assistance
Recurring Disasters: Swedish Humanitarian Assistance to Ethiopia
Emma Öståker
This study shows that Ethiopia at regular intervals during the last decades has suffered from disasters and emergencies during which Sweden contributed relatively large sums of humanitarian aid. The study raises vital questions about how...

Peace, Security and Conflict
Surgery in Armed Conflicts: Predicting Surgical Treatment Needs and Improving Resource Use in...
Måns Muhrbeck
In armed conflicts, access to medical care and surgical resources are often limited. Using records from three different Red Cross hospitals, this Development Dissertation Brief analyses the relationship between types of injuries,...

Economic Development
Agriculture, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction
Mats Hårsmar
A key question that continues to face policymakers and practitioners in development is: What are the most effective ways of reducing poverty in low-income countries? A debate that has long been waged relates to the role of agriculture and...

The EBA Aid Review 2022
In its second year, the Covid-19 pandemic entailed enormous loss of human life and the altering of many societies. The effects of the pandemic can be measured in the sharp rise of people living in poverty, children missing out on...

Health and Social Protection
War Injuries and Non-Communicable Diseases in Palestine: Burden, Incidence, and Management in the...
Marwan Mosleh
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and war-related injuries constitute major health concerns globally, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. This Development Dissertation Brief describes and analyzes the burden, incidence, and...

Democracy and Human Rights
International Organizations as Advocates for Children’s Rights: Why, How and With What Effects
Johanna von Bahr
Children’s rights have risen on many international organisations’ agendas in recent decades. This Development Dissertation Brief explores why international organisations promote children’s rights, which tactics they use to pressure...

Health and Social Protection
Mapping, Other
Politicizing women’s health: Consequences of armed conflict for sexual and reproductive health...
Signe Svallfors
Armed conflicts pose a great challenge to women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). This DDB explores the effects of conflict on women’s SRHR in Colombia. It points to women’s limited access to health care and...

Evaluation of Aid
Assessment of the EBA’s Country Evaluations: Quality, Use & Learning
Elliot Stern, Ole Winckler Andersen
This report assesses a portfolio of five country evaluations (CEs) commissioned by EBA between 2015 and 2017, and published between 2016 and 2018. These CEs, in Tanzania, Uganda, Cambodia (the site of 2 studies) and Bosnia-Herzegovina took...

Peace, Security and Conflict
Practicing Peacebuilding Principles: A Study of Sweden´s Engagement in Fragile and...
Gary Milante, Jannie Lilja, Jups Kluyskens, Johanna Lindström
Sweden has long been at the forefront of promoting international principles for engagement in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. Particularly pertinent therefore is Sweden’s application of the ‘New Deal’ agreement over the last...

Peace, Security and Conflict
In Pursuit of Sustainable Peace: An Evaluation of the Folke Bernadotte Academy 2008–2019
Nicklas Svensson, Julian Brett, Adam Moe Fejerskov, Charlotte Bonnet
The Folke Bernadotte Academy (Swedish Agency for Peace, Security and Development) has become an important actor in Swedish development cooperation, in terms of both the volume of aid managed by the agency and its role in the implementation...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Informed or knowledgeable: Evaluation of aid information and communication projects, 2010-2020
Cecilia Strand, Maria Grafström
Swedish development cooperation has for many years funded efforts to inform the broader Swedish public about development aid. Since 2010, Sida’s and Sida’s partners work in this area has been guided and financed under a specific...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Multi-Stakeholder Ownership and Sustainability in the Context of Development Projects
Pranvera Muçaj
The issue of ownership has been at the heart of the international development debate for several decades. While the Paris Declaration from 2005 contributed to (at least an alleged) consensus on the centrality of ownership – or partner...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Förändringsteori som strategiskt verktyg för hållbarhet inom IKEA
Jens Andersson
Published in Swedish...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Applying Adaptive Theory of Change in Fragile and Conflict Affected Settings
Erik Bryld, Julian Brett, Léonie Borel
Swedish development assistance needs to be able to adapt to changing circumstances, particularly in fragile and conflict affected states, where contexts can change rapidly. This is true not only for individual projects or programmes, but...

Democracy and Human Rights
Supporting Elections Effectively: Principles and Practice of Electoral Assistance
Antonio Spinelli, Peter Wolf, Sead Alihodžić, Therese Pearce Laanela
Watch the seminar with Therese Pearce Laanela, Sead Alihodžić, Thomas Carothers, Staffan Smedby, and moderator Helena Lindholm. As part of its democracy support, Sweden regularly assists...

Equality, Health and Social Protection
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Measuring Values and Norms to Guide Swedish Development...
Anna Kågesten, Karin Båge, Jesper Sundewall, Helena Litorp, Bi Puranen, Olalekan Uthman, Anna Mia Ekström
Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and gender are closely linked with cultural and societal values and norms. This EBA report aims to improve the understanding of norms and values that undermine – or support – SRHR, and...

Evaluation of Aid
Description of method
Credible Explanations of Development Outcomes: Improving Quality and Rigour with Bayesian...
Barbara Befani
This report presents an innovative methodology for conducting theory-based evaluations. It retains several of the advantages of both qualitative and quantitative methods. This report contains both an in-depth theoretical discussion of the...

Evaluation of Aid
Objectives and Mechanisms: What do Evaluations Say About the Effectiveness of Swedish Development...
Markus Burman
The purpose of this study (also available in Swedish with the title Målbild och mekanism: Vad säger utvärderingar om svenska biståndsinsatsers måluppfyllelse?) is to examine what recent evaluations say – and can say – about...

Peace, Security and Conflict
Hierarchical Sisterhood – Supporting Women’s Peacebuilding through Swedish Aid to Bosnia and...
Sanela Bajramović
International peacebuilding in conflict-affected areas entails possibilities as well as challenges. Focusing on the engagement of Swedish foundation Kvinna till Kvinna in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1993 and 2013, this DDB analyzes...

Evaluation of Aid
Punching Above its Weight or Running with the Crowd? Lessons from Sweden’s Development...
Adam Pain
This working paper reviews the lessons that can be drawn from Sweden’s development cooperation with Afghanistan from 2002–2020, and the implications of these for Sweden’s future engagement with the country. The analysis is based on...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Corruption and Aid: A Literature Review (in Swedish)
Helena Hede Skagerlind
Corruption in development aid is a recurring issue of debate. Within this background report, the author compiles conclusions from academic and grey literature on the extent of corruption in development assistance. The focus is primarily...

Humanitarian Assistance, Migration, Organisation and Management of Aid
Forced Displacement and the Humanitarian‐Development Nexus: A Roundtable Anthology
Alexander Burlin, Jason Gagnon, Karen Jacobsen, Kim Wilson, Mona Ahmed, Sarah Miller
This Working Paper summarises three roundtable discussions arranged by EBA during Spring 2021 under the theme “Forced Displacement and the Humanitarian‐Development Nexus.” The three roundtables looked at challenges and opportunities...

Evaluation of Aid
Relevant? Almost Always: Relevance in Development Cooperation
Joel Samoff
Evaluations of development cooperation interventions are almost always based on the evaluation criteria developed by OECD/DAC, one of which relates to the relevance of an intervention. One observation related to the evaluation criteria...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Like-Minded in Principle or in Practice? Priorities and Allocations in EU Member States’ Foreign...
Jonas Tallberg, Olof Karlsson
Together, the EU and its 27 member states constitute by far largest provider of Official Development Assistance (ODA) in the world. Several member countries have been important donor countries for a long time, while others are emerging....

Equality, Health and Social Protection
Mapping of Swedish Aid Addressing Menstruation
Elin Bergenlöv
In the last ten years the issue of menstruation has received increasing attention in Swedish development cooperation. However, an overall picture of the extent to which menstruation is addressed in Swedish aid is absent. This study...

Evaluation of Aid
Description of method
Data Science Methods in Development Evaluation: Exploring the Potential
Gustav Engström, Jonas Norén
This report examines the potential of using data science and Natural Language Processing (NLP) in development evaluations. It looks at how such methods can be used to produce reliable assessments of what past evaluations have concluded...

Climate and Environment
Circular Economy – a Conceptual Review and Analysis of Implications for Swedish Development...
Daniel Slunge, Ida Andersson, Petter Wikström, Thomas Sterner
Circular economy is increasingly discussed in Swedish, European, and international public policy making. This report provides a review of the circular economy concept and discusses its potential implications for Swedish development...

Evaluation of Aid
The EBA Aid Review 2021
Our annual report The EBA Aid Review 2021 summarises insights and conclusions from our reports and seminars from the previous year. The report is written for a wide audience of policy makers, practitioners and students, as well as the...

Peace, Security and Conflict
Liberation Conservation: The Salween Peace Park and the Politics of Possessing the Earth in...
Tomas Cole
In Southeast Myanmar a protracted armed conflict has dragged on for over 70 years. This DDB depicts the struggles of indigenous people and environmental activists to transform a war-torn area into an indigenously run protected zone, the...

Peace, Security and Conflict
The Invisibility Cloak – How ‘Internationals’ Emotions Affect Their Listening in...
Pernilla Johansson
Effective peacebuilding requires international actors to listen to local partners, which often fails in practice. Through interviews with practitioners, donors and researchers, this DDB-report identifies how everyday emotions help or...

Democracy and Human Rights
Effects of Swedish and International Democracy Aid
Miguel Niño-Zarazúa, Rachel M. Gisselquist, Ana Horigoshi, Melissa Samarin, Kunal Sen Democracy aid is a key component of Swedish international development cooperation. The EBA report Effects of Swedish and international democracy aid explores the effects of aid on countries...

Evaluation of Aid
The EBA Aid Review 2020
By March 31 each year the EBA submits a report to the Government of Sweden summarising the content and conclusion of our reports and seminars. In the 2020 Aid Review we present work conducted during 2019 and also briefly summarise our...

Humanitarian Assistance
Navigating In The Midst Of Uncertainties: Challenges In Disaster Risk Governance In Mozambique
Jenni Koivisto
This thesis investigates the uncertainties in disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Mozambique, a low- income country that regularly faces natural hazards that cause heavy loss of life and livelihoods. The thesis focuses on different sets of...

Evaluation of Aid
The EBA Aid Review 2019
By March 31 each year the EBA submits a report to the Government of Sweden summarising the content and conclusion of our reports and seminars. In the 2019 Aid Review we present work conducted during 2018 and also briefly summarise our...

Humanitarian Assistance
Estimating Needs In Disasters
Anneli Eriksson
Humanitarian aid must be based on needs but is underfunded and unevenly distributed. This DDB report develops a model that estimated needs in the event of disasters. The results were presented during the webinar How to mitigate disasters:...

Climate and Environment, Health and Social Protection, Humanitarian Assistance
Towards Health Systems Resilience To Extreme Weather Events: Managing Health Needs During Floods In...
Dell Saulnier
Resilient health systems have the capacity to maintain their functions and to change when shocked, enabling them to continue delivering health services, yet there is little evidence about what creates resilience. The contribution...

Democracy and Human Rights, Equality
Sextortion: Corruption And Gender-Based Violence
Åsa Eldén, Dolores Calvo, Elin Bjarnegård, Silje Lundgren, Sofia Jonsson The abuse of power and position in exchange for sexual favours – sextortion – is both a form of corruption and of gender-based violence, which makes it difficult to address. How should the...

Climate and Environment
Alignment of Sweden’s Multilateral Aid with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
Lisa Hjelm, Mats Hårsmar
The study contains assessments of 25 multilateral organisations receiving support from Swedish ODA. To what extent are their work aligned with the Paris Agreement in terms of climate mitigation, adaptation to adverse effects of climate...

Organisation and Management of Aid
In Proper Organization we Trust –Trust in Interorganizational Aid Relations
Janet Vähämäki, Susanna Alexius
Trust based management of public services could serve to achieve better results. To build trust is particularly difficult in the area of development cooperation: vast distances, unequal power relations and complex practices provide...

Public Administration
Institution Building In Practice: An Evaluation Of Swedish Central Authorities´ Reform Cooperation...
Richard Allen, Giorgio Ferrari, Krenar Loshi, Númi Östlund, Dejana Razić Ilić
Every year around SEK 600 million of Swedish international development assistance is directed through Swedish government authorities (SGAs). This evaluation aims to gain an in-depth understanding of the long-term effects, sustainability...

Health and Social Protection
Social entrepreneurship and innovation for transformative change - Empirical studies of sanitation...
Suvi Kokko
Social entrepreneurship and innovation are expected to take on a growing role in solving global problems of sustainability. This DDB examines the case of a social entrepreneur in the sanitation sector in Kenya. By studying the dynamics of...

Health and Social Protection
The Promise of Payday: Exploring the role of state cash transfers in post-apartheid rural South...
Stefan Granlund
Cash transfer programs have become a significant tool in efforts to reduce poverty. Focusing on the Child Support Grant (CSG), this DDB report explores the material and socio-relational implications of state cash transfers in rural South...

Education and Research
Exploring pitfalls of participation – and ways towards just practices through a participatory...
Helena Kraff
Participatory processes are typically viewed as democratic and transparent. This DDB report explores the pitfalls of participation. By addressing when, how and why participatory practices lead to unjust forms of participation, it offers...

Equality, Organisation and Management of Aid
Vad är jämställdhetsbudgetering, vem gör det och har det effekt?
Anna Schnell
Gender budgeting means a systematic integration of the causes to gender inequality and design of measures for increased gender equality in both budgets and budget processes. It is clearly written in the Sustainable Development Agenda as an...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Biståndets förvaltningskostnader: För stora? Eller kanske för små?
Daniel Tarschys
Is management only a burden? The premise in much of the literature on development aid, and more specifically in the Swedish budgetary dialogue in this policy field, seems to be that administrative activities should be squeezed back as far...

Climate and Environment
Evaluation of the Swedish Climate Change Initiative 2009 – 2012
John Colvin, Mutizwa Mukute, Mehjabeen Abidi Habib, Jane Burt, Miriam Kugele, Jessica Wilson
In 2009, the Swedish Government launched the Climate Change Initiative (CCI), a four-year programme of investments in climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, targeting some of the poorest countries. The CCI amounted to SEK 4...

Peace, Security and Conflict
Local Peacebuilding - challenges and opportunities
Joakim Öjendal, Hanna Leonardsson, Martin Lundqvist
Peacebuilding has grown to become a prominent global practice and research theme. Peacebuilding projects have been set up in (post-)conflict societies across the globe with the aim of securing sustainable peace. Yet such positive...

Education and Research
Development Research in Sweden – A Dispersed Research Community Under Pressure
Cecilia Strand, Elin Bjarnegård, Flora Hajdu, Henning Melber, Janet Vähämäki, Jonas Ewald, Magnus Jirström, Rickard Lalander
This study was initiated and conducted by the newly established Swedish Development Research Network (SweDev) with support from the Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA). The study has sought to map the Swedish development research community,...

Evaluation of Aid
Livslängd och livskraft: Vad säger utvärderingar om svenska biståndsinsatsers hållbarhet?
Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys
This study aims to examine what evaluations can tell us about sustainability in Swedish aid projects. Sustainability, in this sense, refers to the viability and longevity of achievements financed by development aid once financing is...

Democracy and Human Rights, Economic Development, Public Administration
Business and Human Rights in Development Cooperation – Has Sweden Incorporated the UN Guiding...
Rasmus Kløcker Larsen, Sandra Atler
In recent years there has been an increased focus on the role of business and private sector activities in international development cooperation. Meanwhile, there are well documented challenges in implementing policy coherence to address...

Health and Social Protection
Making Sanitation Happen: An Enquiry into Multi-Level Sanitation Governance
Nelson Ekane
Sanitation is high on the international development agenda, but how is sanitation policy actually put into practice on the ground? This DDB examines governance structures in sanitation on multiple levels across Rwanda and Uganda. The...

Democracy and Human Rights
Rethinking Civil Society and Support for Democracy
Richard Youngs
Sweden has a long tradition of providing development cooperation with the aim of strengthening democracy and respect for human rights. Sida-support for these purposes has increased in recent years, and accounts for more than 5 billion SEK...

Development Goals and Gender Equality Change: Superficial Adjustment or Credible Commitments?
Helena Hede Skagerlind
Global performance indicators are now-common tools for global Development governance. This DDB gives an account of the influences of such indicators, studying the mechanisms of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and their effects on...

Democracy and Human Rights, Economic Development, Organisation and Management of Aid
How can an agricultural investment that never happened affect people living in poverty?
Linda Engström
Large agricultural investment projects have been popular in African development for almost 20 years. The results of these investments however, have often failed to materialize. This DDB explores the consequences for people living where...

Economic Development
Mobilising Private Development Finance: Implications for Overall Aid Allocations
Polly Meeks, Matthew Gouett, Samantha Attridge
The use of development finance to ‘catalyse’ private finance has become a growing trend in development cooperation. This study focus on one specialised form of development finance - Official Development Assistance (ODA) – and its...

Democracy and Human Rights
Democracy in African Governance: Seeing and Doing it Differently
Göran Hydén, Marina Buch Kristensen
The purpose of this report is to examine why democratization in Africa is a special challenge and how democracy aid may be recast in a world where national sovereignty is on the rise and partners claim greater ownership of the external...
Study of the effects of Swedish and international democracy support
Support in the areas of democracy and human rights currently represents about one-fourth of Swedish bilateral overseas development assistance, which is about twice as much as the average of OECD Development Assistance Committee countries....

Climate and Environment
Fishing Aid: Mapping and Synthesising Evidence in Support of SDG 14 Fisheries Targets
Goncalo Carneiro, Raphaelle Bisiaux, Mary Frances Davidson, Tumi Tómasson, Jonas Bjärnstedt
Despite several decades of aid to the fisheries sector and numerous evaluations, there are very few known efforts to analyse and document lessons learned across those interventions. This study is a systematic map and a thematic...

Economic Development, Equality, Health and Social Protection
Applying a Masculinities Lens to the Gendered Impacts of Social Safety Nets
Meagan Dooley, Abby Fried, Ruti Levtov, Kate Doyle, Jeni Klugman, Gary Barker
Social protection systems are highligthed in Agenda 2030 as an important tool to reduce poverty. Different forms of Social Safety Net programs (SSNs), like cash transfers, in-kind food aid or public work programs are rapidly becoming...

Economic Development
Joint Nordic Organisational Assessment of the Nordic Development Fund (NDF)
Stephen Spratt, Eilis Lawlor, Kris Prasada Rao, Mira Berger
This report is the result of a request from the Nordic Development Fund’s (NDF) Board of Directors to the Evaluation Departments at the Nordic Development Cooperation Agencies for an independent input to strategic decisions on the future...

Democracy and Human Rights
Impact of Civil Society Anti-Discrimination Initiatives: A Rapid Review
Andrew Shepherd, Dhruva Mathur, Rachel Marcus
Poor people often belong to discriminated against groups. For a sustainable reduction of poverty, it is necessary to work against discrimination and disrespect of human rights. How effective are anti-discrimination measures undertaken by...

Migration and Development: The Role for Development Aid
Robert E.B Lucas
The objectives of this research overview are twofold: To provide a succinct outline of what is and is not known about the links between migration and economic development in developing countries; and to inform aid agencies about the...

Democracy and Human Rights, Economic Development
Building on a Foundation Stone: The Long-Term Impacts of a Local Infrastructure and Governance...
Ariel BenYishay, Brad Parks, Rachel Trichler, Christian Baehr, Daniel Aboagye, Punwath Prum
In 1996, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and other donors worked with the Cambodian government in an attempt to rebuild confidence in public institutions and improve economic welfare by strengthening local...

Democracy and Human Rights
Supporting State-Building for Democratisation? A Study of 20 Years of Swedish Democracy Aid to...
Henny Andersen, Joakim Öjendal, Karl-Anders Larsson
Since the 1990s, democracy and human rights have been an important objective in Swedish development cooperation. This study evaluates Sweden’s democracy assistance to Cambodia during the period 1997–2017. The study is based on...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Fit for Fragility? An Exploration of Risk Stakeholders and Systems Inside Sida
Linnea Mills, Nilima Gulrajani
Development cooperation to fragile and vulnerable environments involves different types of risk. The study Fit for Fragility? An exploration of risk stakeholders and systems inside Sida provides an analysis of how Sida works with...

Climate and Environment
A Climate for Change? Political Communication and the Prospects for Large-Scale Collective Action...
Stefan Linde
The objective of this thesis is to investigate how communication affects public preferences for cooperation in large-scale collective action dilemmas. By merging theories on collective action and political communication the thesis...

Climate and Environment
Samverkan inom skogsförvaltning i låginkomstländer - utmaningar, lärdomar från Indien och...
Marcus Wangel
For the past three decades the policy discourse on forest governance in low- income countries has come to increasingly emphasise collaborative ideals and practices. Overall, the outcome has not been as intended: genuine...

Climate and Environment
International Acceptance of Climate Security Norms
Elin Jakobsson
This dissertation development brief provides further insights into how new norms become or do not become accepted in the international political system. It puts particular emphasis on how contingencies and windows of opportunity...

Humanitarian Assistance
Blockchain as a tool in humanitarian action - a brief overview of potential uses
Anna Bäckman
The existing initiatives using blockchain technology in humanitarian aid are few and at an early stage. The potential of blockchain should nevertheless be considered seriously. It can, for example, be used within financial means, reducing...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Skandaler, opinioner och anseende: Biståndet i ett medialiserat samhälle
Karolina Windell, Maria Grafström
The aim of this report is to create an understanding of how decisionmakers within development cooperation deal with media surveillance, and what consequences their approach may have for risk-taking and decision making. This report...

Economic Development
Nation Building in a Fractured Country: An Evaluation of Swedish Cooperation in Economic...
Claes Lindahl, Julie Lindahl, Mikael Söderbäck, Tamara Ivankovic
This study focuses on the theme of economic development over more than two decades of development cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina. The report was presented during the seminar Swedish Aid to Bosnia and Herzegovina – the Case...

Democracy and Human Rights, Humanitarian Assistance
Underfunded Appeals: Understanding the Consequences, Improving the System
Sophia Swithern
The UN-coordinated appeals represent the largest combined request for humanitarian aid, and a central pillar of the humanitarian response architecture. In 2017, these appeals set out a record total requirement of US$25.2 billion. This was...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Seeking Balanced Ownership in Changing Development Cooperation Relationships
Charlotte Örnemark, Fabian Scholtes, Niels Keijzer, Stephan Klingebiel
According to the Paris Declaration and the 2030 Agenda, ownership is a prerequisite for effective development cooperation. How can the principle of ownership be promoted in today’s complex development cooperation, in which the numbers of...

Organisation and Management of Aid
In Pursuit of Per Diem - Donor and Recipient Practices of Per Diem Payment
Arne Tostensen
Increasing emphasis on capacity-building and training activities as a proportion of donors’ country programmes has drawn attention to per diem practices. This report discusses the uses and abuses of per diem payments, predominantly by...

Equality, Public Administration
Putting Priority into Practice: Sida’s Implementation of its Plan for Gender Integration
Elin Bjarnegård, Fredrik Uggla
The Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) commissioned an evaluation that followed Sida’s work over time through an ongoing research project. The report is a systematic follow-up which examines the plan for gender integration that has been...

Organisation and Management of Aid
ICT i det svenska biståndet
Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys
Information and communication technology (ICT) has long been an important part of Swedish development assistance both at the bilateral level and via multilateral organizations. This report aims to map the Swedish ICT assistance during...

Public Administration
The Rise and Fall of Budget Support in Swedish Development Cooperation
Karl-Anders Larsson
Budget support is the aid modality that best complies with the principles for aid effectiveness and it has been stated in several Swedish government documents since 2000 that its share of total Swedish aid should increase. It increased up...

Democracy and Human Rights
Swedish Aid in the Era of Shrinking Democratic Space – the Case of Turkey
Åsa Eldén, Paul T. Levin
The notion of a shrinking space describes a global trend whereby activists’ and civil society organizations’ freedom to organize and operate is circumscribed by increasingly repressive and authoritarian governments. Turkey is often...

Public Administration
Budget Support, Poverty and Corruption: A Review of the Evidence
Geske Dijkstra
Budget support is an aid instrument that is not linked to projects and that is freely spendable by recipient governments. Budget support volumes have declined in recent years. This report examines the extent to which this reduced interest...
Climate and Environment
Weather and Conflicts in Afghanistan
Monir Elias Bounadi
This Working Paper combine high-resolution data on temperature and precipitation with georeferenced data on conflict events to explore the link between local weather variations and conflict incidence for all districts of Afghanistan...

Organisation and Management of Aid
How Predictable is Swedish Aid? A Study of Exchange Rate Volatility
Númi Östlund
Sweden generally disburses development aid in SEK, while most partner countries, implementation organisations and recipients work in other currencies. This EBA report examines the effects of disbursing Swedish bilateral aid in Swedish...

Humanitarian Assistance, Migration
Building Bridges Between International Humanitarian and Development Responses to Forced Migration
Alexander Kocks, Ruben Wedel, Hanne Roggemann, Helge Roxin
How to improve the linkages between emergency assistance and more long-term aid is a recurring question for actors operating in crisis situations around the world. In this EBA study researchers from the German Institute for Development...

Health and Social Protection
The Impact of Abortion Legalization on Fertility and Female Empowerment - New Evidence from Mexico
Damian Clarke, Hanna Mühlrad
This Development Dissertation Brief (DDB) is a summary of an article written by Hanna and Damian Clarke, Associate Professor of Economics at The University of Santiago of Chile. The article was included as the third chapter of...

Health and Social Protection
Health Systems Bottles - Necks and Evidence-based District Health Planning. Experiences from the...
Dorcus Kiwanuka Henriksson
Well-functioning health systems are key to the reduction of treatable, preventable and premature deaths, ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all age This thesis contributes with knowledge on the utility of...

Health and Social Protection
Closing the Quality Gap - Investigating Health System Bottlenecks and Quality Improvement...
Ulrika Baker
Maternal and newborn deaths and stillbirths remain high in Sub Saharan Africa. Despite the large increases achieved in access to care, the expected gains in survival for mothers and newborns have therefore not materialised, giving...

Evaluation of Aid, Public Administration
Volatility in Swedish Aid: the Case of Six Long-term Partner Countries
Matilda Svedberg
Looking specifically at the case of Sweden, this working paper aims to provide insight to research and policies concerning aid volatility and generate comparable estimates of volatility in foreign aid. The paper uses the...

Economic Development
DFIs and Development Impact: an Evaluation of Swedfund
Stephen Spratt, Peter O'Flynn, Justin Flynn
Investments in companies to achieve developmental effects are becoming increasingly important in development cooperation. Swedfund, the Development Finance Institution of the Swedish state, has the task of investing in poor countries...

Public Administration
Sweden’s Development Support to Tax Systems
Klas Markensten
More financing, including taxes, is needed to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. At the Addis Ababa conference 2015 the Addis Tax Initiative was launched, in which donors were asked to double their technical assistance to...

Democracy and Human Rights
Rättsstatens principer och svenskt utvecklingssamarbete
Anna Jonsson Cornell
The purpose of this report is to present the current policy framework, and provide an introduction to how Swedish actors work and have worked with the rule of law principles within the framework of Swedish development cooperation. The...

On-going Evaluation of Gender Mainstreaming at Sida – Second Report
Elin Bjarnegård, Fredrik Uggla, Hanna Barvaeus
EBA decided in 2016 to initiate "on-going evaluation" on the efforts to strengthen gender mainstreaming at Sida until 2018. This is the second report from the evaluation. This report presents updates and extensions of findings and...

Organisation and Management of Aid
The Rise and Fall of 'Results Initiatives' in Swedish Development Aid
Janet Vähämäki
The search for results or effectiveness of aid has been of major concern for Sida and Swedish public aid since the “birth” of public development aid in the 1960s. One way in which Sida (Swedish International Development Agency)...

Health and Social Protection
Beyond an Instrumental Approach to Religion and Development - Challenges for Church-based...
Josephine Sundqvist
Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) have become increasingly common in global health. Since health systems in development contexts tend to be weak and fragile, they are still dependent on receiving contributions from faith-based...

Evaluation of Aid
The EBA Aid Review 2018
By March 31 each year the EBA submits a report to the Government of Sweden summarising the content and conclusion of our reports and seminars. In the 2018 Aid Review we present work conducted during 2017 and also briefly summarise our...

Evaluation of Aid
Description of method
Analytical Framework for Portfolio Analyses of Swedish Development Cooperation
Annika Nilsson, Johanna Lindgren Garcia
This study is based on an expressed need at EBA to supplement its research reports with portfolio analyses that describe what Swedish development cooperation does in a specific country or sector. In addition, there is a need to...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Sweden's Financing of UN Funds and Programmes: Analyzing the Past, Looking to the Future
Nina Connelly, Stephen Browne, Thomas G Weiss
Assistance channelled through the United Nations should be seen in the context of the broader development landscape, which is undergoing constant change. Donor’s funding of UN Funds and Programmes has become increasingly earmarked over...

Climate and Environment
The Impact of Foreign Aid on Local Deforestation
Nicklas Nordfors
The aim of the thesis is to answer the question: does foreign aid have an impact on local environmental degradation, specifically deforestation, in recipient countries? The study link geocoded data on aid projects in Uganda to high...

Health and Social Protection
Plant Pests and Child Health: Evidence from Locust Infestations in West Africa
Evelina Linnros
For many households in developing economies climate shock, economic instability, illness and conflict are part of everyday life. Without access to formal insurance and credit markets, this means a limited ability to smooth...

Democracy and Human Rights, Public Administration
Seven Steps to Evidence-Based Anti-corruption: A Roadmap
Alina Mungiu-Pippidi
The time has come for a full-fledged roadmap to evidence-based anti-corruption. Testing the toolkit of anti-corruption consultants, it is found that the few workable tools are functioning only in contexts where domestic agency exists....

Evaluation of Aid
Description of method
Geospatial Analysis of Aid: A New Approach to Aid Evaluation
Ann-Sofie Isaksson
Recent years have seen an increased focus on results in development cooperation, and a heated debate on the evaluation strategies and effectiveness of development policies. A rapid expansion in the availability of sub-nationally...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Results and Ownership in Swedish Development Cooperation
Therese Brolin
The increased focus on results within international development cooperation is a consequence of the assumption that development cooperation must be more effective and efficient. However, these approaches present diverging and...

Peace, Security and Conflict
Peace and Politics: Promoting Durable Solutions to Communal Conflicts
Emma Elfversson
Each year, a number of violent communal conflicts take place around the world. Because they do not directly challenge the central state, communal conflicts often receive less media attention than civil wars. This dissertation seeks...

Peace, Security and Conflict
Peacemaking Up Close: Explaining Mediator Styles of International Mediators
Mathilda Lindgren
As a first of its kind, this thesis deals with a specific aspect of the micro dynamics of international mediation, namely developing possible explanations for variations in mediator style among individual mediators working for...

Education and Research, Health and Social Protection
Effects of Violent Conflict on Women and Children: Sexual Behvaior, Fertility, and Infant Mortality...
Elina Elveborg Lindskog
This thesis deals with the relationship between violent conflict and sexual and reproductive behavior in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The aim is to contribute to the literature on how war affects demographic...

Education and Research, Peace, Security and Conflict
Educating for Peace - A Theological Task in Contemporary Times
Sara Gehlin
In situations of conflict, religions appear with different faces. The same religion that motivates destruction and violence can motivate peace, forgiveness, tolerance, and hope. The dissertation brings light to the way theology can...

Health and Social Protection
Increasing Access to Abortion
Susanne Sjöström
Increased knowledge and awareness as well as changes in the legal framework has contributed to decreased maternal mortality caused by unplanned pregnancies and unsafe abortion. Despite this progress access to abortion and...

Health and Social Protection
The Quest for Maternal Survival in Rwanda – Paradoxes in Policy and Practice
Jessica Påfs
Since 1990, maternal deaths have decreased by nearly half – but with stark disparities between countries. In sub-Saharan Africa, a woman’s lifetime risk of dying as a result of pregnancy or childbirth is estimated to be more...

Education and Research, Health and Social Protection
Moving Upstream: Gender Norms and Emerging Sexual Experiences in Early Adolescence
Anna Kågesten
Early adolescence is a time of rapid and interconnected physical, cognitive and social changes that has special salience for sexual development. The norms and behaviors adopted during these formative years can carry lifelong sexual...

Education and Research, Health and Social Protection
Strategy for Supporting Low-income Countries in Building a Midwifery Profession
Malin Bogren
The past decades have seen significant achievements in global development goals and targets. Some have led to better access to sexual and reproductive health care. However, for women from poor, marginalized communities, and those...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Exporting Agrarian Expertise: Development Aid at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences...
Karl Bruno
This study is organized around the central institutions for the agrarian sciences in postwar Sweden: the Agricultural College (Lantbrukshögskolan), the Veterinary College (Veterinärhögskolan), and the College of...

Education and Research
Research Capacity in the New Global Development Agenda
Måns Fellesson
This study starts out from the fact that the main determinant of poverty in many low-income countries today is not a lack of natural resources or geographical marginality, but a lack of trained, specialised individuals who could generate...

Education and Research
Research Aid Revisited – a Historically Grounded Analysis of Future Prospects and Policy Options
David Nilsson, Sverker Sörlin
Research aid was institutionalised in the 1970s as part of Sweden’s growing ambitions on the international development aid scene. This ambition was driven by several motives, such as international solidarity but also economic and foreign...

Evaluation of Aid
Confronting the Contradiction - an Exploration into the Dual Purpose of Accountability and Learning...
Hilde Reinersten, Kristian Bjørkdahl, Desmond McNeill,
Learning is a key purpose of aid evaluation. So why do aid organisations not learn more from their own experiences? More specifically, why do they not learn more from their own evaluations? Yet learning is but one part of the...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Enprocentmålet - en kritisk essä
Lars Anell
The aim to set aside one per cent of Sweden’s GNI for development cooperation, the one per cent target, is an expression of Sweden’s solidarity with the poorer parts of the world. It was agreed by the Riksdag (the Swedish Parliament)...

Health and Social Protection
Animal Health in Development – Its Role for Poverty Reduction and Human Welfare
Jonathan Rushton, Arvid Uggla, Ulf Magnusson
Agricultural development is the basis for economic growth in lowincome countries, with animal production constituting a major component of their agricultural economies. Around 750 million livestock keepers in the world are living on less...

On-going Evaluation of Gender Mainstreaming at Sida - First report
Elin Bjarnegård, Fredrik Uggla
The Expert for Aid Studies decided in 2016 to initiate “on-going evaluation” on the efforts to strengthen gender mainstreaming at Sida until 2018. In total, two interim reports and a final EBA report will be presented. This first...

Evaluation of Aid
The EBA Aid Review 2017
By March 31 each year the EBA submits a report to the Government of Sweden summarising the content and conclusion of our reports and seminars. In the 2017 Aid Review we present work conducted during 2016 and also briefly summarise our...

Democracy and Human Rights, Equality
Do Anti-Discrimination Measures Reduce Poverty Among Marginalised Social Groups?
Anna Mdee, Ella Page, Rachel Marcus
Discrimination on grounds of gender, against particular ethnic groups, on grounds of age, caste, disability or religion is a violation of human rights and an important factor contributing to the high rates of poverty among many...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Making Waves: Implications of the Irregular Migration and Refugee Situation on Official Development...
Andrew Sheriff, Anna Knoll
Increasingly high numbers of refugees and migrants have come to Europe over the past five years seeking protection. Reception systems for migrants and asylum seekers have increasingly been under strain. To investigate the response of...

Economic Development, Organisation and Management of Aid
Revitalising the Policy for Global Development
Per Molander
The present report discusses, on the basis of recent social-science literature, policies for global development and development cooperation from the perspective of a small, non-aligned country. The report is based on a review of...

Public Administration
Taxation and Government Quality
Rasmus Broms
The existence of political systems characterized by well-functioning governance and high institutional quality has come to be one of the most discussed fields within the social sciences. Research focusing on developing countries highlights...

Education and Research
How does China Challenge the IMF’s Power in Africa?
Johanna Malm
How does China challenge the power of Western donors in Africa? This question has been raised by policy makers, scholars and pundits alike ever since the Chinese presence in Africa started to grow at the turn of the 21st century....

Democracy and Human Rights, Public Administration
Våldsamma hot och priset för ärlighet: En omvärdering av tjänstemäns val att ta mutor
Aksel Sundström
In most low-income countries, the problem of bureaucratic or small-scale corruption is relatively widespread. This report is based on the premise that the dominant view of what drives officials' choice to engage in corruption is in need of...

Democracy and Human Rights, Public Administration
Anti-corruption Reform – Evolution or Big Bang?
Anders Sundell
Corruption is one of the major obstacles to development in the world. The causes are, however, less understood. A proposed explanation for the failure of anti-corruption reform is that corruption is a collective action problem....

Organisation and Management of Aid
Reclassification or Reprioritisation? The Sector Allocation of Swedish Official Development...
Ulrika Ahrsjö
The question posed in this paper is in whether re-formulated political goals for development assistance lead to reclassifications of individual aid projects, rather than actual reallocations of funds. The study compares...

Economic Development, Public Administration
Sweden's Economic Relationships with Uganda
Anton Ståhl, Arne Bigsten, John Åke Andersson, Per-Åke Andersson
Sweden’s bilateral aid to Uganda over the period 2000-2015 was fairly extensive, amounting to around 335 million Swedish Kronor (SEK) per year (Openaid 2016). This explorative study aims to map commercial and other economic...

Economic Development, Public Administration
Swedish Development Cooperation with Tanzania – has it helped the poor?
Mark McGillivray, David Carpenter, Oliver Morrissey, Julie Thaarup
Sweden’s official aid policy began in 1962. The Government Bill (1962:100) describes how the first steps were taken in the Swedish-Tanzanian aid relationship as early as 1961, when the Nordic Committee of Ministers for the coordination...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Exploring Donorship - Internal Factors in Swedish Aid to Uganda
Stein-Erik Kruse
Several country studies have tried to measure and assess long-term aggregate impact of external support and end up presenting findings with weak empirical foundation. The learning for the donor – about how to improve its own aid...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Sustaining a Development Policy: Results and Responsibility for the Swedish Policy for Global...
Lisa Román, Måns Fellesson
The spirit of the Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) is mirrored in the recently adopted Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sweden has a comparatively long tradition of PCD through its Swedish version, the Policy...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Towards an Alternative Development Management Paradigm?
Cathy Shutt
International development cooperation wants to make a difference and for their work to have ‘results’ on the lives of poor or marginalised people. It was this motivation that led to the 2005 Paris Declaration’s focus on results....

Economic Development, Public Administration
Is Development Aid a Complement or a Substitute to Foreign Direct Investment?
Ulrika Ahrsjö
Can foreign aid contribute to attracting private investment to developing countries? This paper applies an instrumental variable strategy developed by Galiani et al. (2014) to data from 35 countries that traversed the middle income...

Evaluation of Aid
Description of method
Pathways to Change: Evaluating Development Interventions with Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)
Barbara Befani
In the search for new, more rigorous and more appropriate methods for development evaluation, one key task is to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a broad range of different methods. This report makes a contribution in this sense...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Swedish Responsibility and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Kristina Jönsson, Magdalena Bexell
In September 2015, the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by all UN Member States. Attention now turns to realisation of the goals at national level. In light of their broad scope, a clear allocation...

Women in African Natural Resource Booms
Anja Tolonen
Promoting natural resource extraction as a strategy for economic development is controversial, although a common reality in many developing countries. The research summarized in this brief explores the local welfare effects of largescale...

Democracy and Human Rights, Equality, Humanitarian Assistance
Beyond the Buzzwords: Approaches to Gender in Humanitarian Aid
Elisabeth Olivius
Considerations of gender have today entered the mainstream of international policymaking and governance to an unprecedented degree. Drawing on an analysis of key humanitarian policy texts and interviews with about 60 humanitarian...

Education and Research
Capturing Complexity and Context: Evaluating Aid to Education
Joel Samoff, Jane Leer, Michelle Reddy
Formal evaluations of aid to education have become more frequent, more systematic, and more important in subsequent policy and programmatic decisions. What do we learn from that increasing volume of evaluations? The objective of this...

Education and Research
Education in Developing Countries what Policies and Programmes Affect Learning and Time in School?
Amy Damon, Paul Glewwe, Suzanne Wisniewski, Bixuan Sun
The study is a synthesis of high quality and rigorous evaluations in the field of education aid in order to direct the Swedish government’s education aid strategy toward investments that have been shown to result in positive impacts on...
Business, Democracy and Human Rights
Business and Human Rights in development cooperation - has Sweden incorporated the UN guiding...
Rasmus Kløcker Larsen, Sandra Atler
Forskaren Rasmus Kløcker Larsen och MR-experten Sandra Atler har skrivit EBA-rapporten ”Business and Human Rights in Development Cooperation – has Sweden incorporated the UN Guiding Principles?. Rapporten innehåller en analys av hur...

Public Administration
Support to Regional Cooperation and Integration in Africa - What Works and Why?
Fredrik Söderbaum, Therese Brolin
Regional cooperation and integration in Africa has deepened and expanded considerably during the last two decades, partly as a result of intesified outside support and financing. Over time, Sweden has provided substantial support in to...

Climate and Environment
In Search of Double Dividends from Climate Change Interventions Evidence from Forest Conservation...
Ariana Salas, Daniel Ternald, Erin Sills, Eskil Mattsson, Gunnar Köhlin, Madelene Ostwald, Subhrendu Pattanayak
International development assistance is increasingly shaped by climate change concerns. Climate interventions have become an increasingly important part of Overseas Development Assistance (ODA), reaching 15 % of the total bilateral ODA,...

Democracy and Human Rights, Economic Development, Education and Research
Child education, child labor and the agricultural economy
Elin Vimefall
Most poor people in the world live in rural communities, and they are more likely to be women, children, or members of a minority ethnic group. The research presented in this brief focus on these individuals, the most vulnerable in...

Education and Research
Path dependent possibilities of transformation: Agricultural change and economic development in...
Montserrat López Jerez
Several issues remain to be settled before conclusions can be drawn about how colonial institutions interact with long-term development dynamics.What does it mean and how can it be measured? How does it influence the development...

Organisation and Management of Aid
The when and why of helping: individual and organizational decision making from a psychological...
Arvid Erlandsson
Within the fields of experimental psychology and behavioral economy, helping decisions has mostly been investigated at the individual level but helping decisions can also occur at the organizational level. This dissertation...

Evaluation of Aid
The EBA Aid Review 2016
By March 31 each year the EBA submits a report to the Government of Sweden summarising the content and conclusion of our reports and seminars. In the 2016 Aid Review we present work conducted during 2015 and also briefly summarise our...

Education and Research
Going with the flow or swimming against the current? Interplay of formal rules, informal norms and...
Yumiko Yasuda
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have increasingly become important agents in environmental governance. Many studies discuss the way civil society actors attempt to influence rules and norms. There is limited research, however,...

Public Administration
Making Development Work: The Quality of Government Approach
Bo Rothstein, Marcus Tannenberg
Institutional development and corruption have been a major concern in international development cooperation for decades. In the report, the authors address the question of why the development agenda has failed, and what donors should do to...
Making Development Work: The Quality of Government Approach
This report aims to summarize the results of research from the Quality of Government approach in terms of its importance for development and aid policy. In the report, Professor Bo Rothstein and Marcus Tannenberg from the University of...

Economic Development, Public Administration
Has Sweden injected realism into public financial management reforms in partner countries?
Matt Andrews
Many donors are working on Public Financial Management (PFM) reforms in developing countries, but these reforms are commonly limited. Observers suggest that the impact can be improved if reforms are designed and implemented in a more...

Economic Development, Public Administration
Now Open for Business: Joint Development Initiatives between the Private and Public Sectors in...
Ari Kokko, Hanna Norberg, Sara Johansson da Silva
Private investment to developing countries has surged since the 1990s with notable impacts on local economies and living standards. This increase the pressure to form new partnerships between private and public actors, so called "Joint...

Economic Development, Education and Research
Youth, entrepreneurship and development
Kjetil Bjorvatn
Young people in low income countries have realistically very minor options to get a job in the formal sector of the economy. Most will instead find themselves in the informal sector, with all the insecurity and low income that it implies....

Peace, Security and Conflict
Aiding the End of Conflict? Reintegrating Ex-Combatants in Colombia
Michael Jonsson
As the number and scope of peace operations has grown since the early 1990s, the question of how to ensure that ex-combatants do not resort to renewed violence has grown in prominence. The answer has predominantly been to create...

Peace, Security and Conflict
Causes of Communal Conflicts – Government Bias, Elites, and Conditions for Cooperation
Johan Brosche
In some regions communal conflicts lead to a few deaths or are solved before they cause any fatalities. In others, these conflicts become very violent and dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people are killed. The Ituri region...

Equality, Peace, Security and Conflict
Stronger than Justice: Armed Group Impunity for Sexual Violence
Angela Muvumba Sellström
Which conditions lead to armed group impunity for sexual violence? This dissertation focuses on African armed actors that have been exposed to settlement processes in the post-Cold War period. It is composed of two components. First, a...

Democracy and Human Rights
Public Participation in Constitution Building; An Effective Strategy for Enhancing Democracy?
Abrak Saati
Scholarly work has not attempted to analytically differentiate between different types of participation. The term public participation is currently being used in a very wide sense and the proposed link between...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Concentration difficulties? An analysis of Swedish aid proliferation
Rune Hagen
One of the major points on the so called Paris Agenda on aid effectiveness was the negative effects of aid dispersion – the fact there are too many donors funding too many activities in too many recipient countries. Sweden has undertaken...

Evaluation of Aid
Utvärdering av svenskt bistånd – en kartläggning
Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys
An essential difference between international aid and other publicly financed activities is that development cooperation occurs abroad. Both learning and holding decision makers to account is complicated by geographical distance and the...

Evaluation of Aid
The EBA Aid Review 2015
By March 31 each year the EBA submits a report to the Government of Sweden summarising the content and conclusion of our reports and seminars. In the 2015 Aid Review we present work conducted during 2014 and also briefly summarise our...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Svenskt statligt internationellt bistånd i Sverige: en översikt
Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys
One way to define and understand official development assistance (ODA) is as a donor country's total costs for its work to achieve its aid policy goals The aim of this study is to chart out the part of Swedish development assistance...

Organisation and Management of Aid
The African Development Bank – Ready to Face the Challenges of a Changing Africa?
Christopher Humphrey
A significant part of Swedish development assistance is channeled through multilateral development banks. One of these is the African Development Bank, AfDB. The Africa focus of Swedish development assistance makes the bank an important...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Data - Swedish international aid in Sweden
The Expert Group for Aid Studies
The study Svenskt statligt internationellt bistånd i Sverige – en översikt (2014:05) maps out how Swedish international aid has been evaluated during 2013. The data used in the report is available here. The findings were presented...

Democracy and Human Rights
Mapping, Review
International Party Assistance - What do we know about the effects?
Lars G Svåsand
International party assistance (IPA) has become part of the international efforts to assist new democracies, andhence part of international democracy assistance. Well-functioning parties and party-systems are considered to perform...

Health and Social Protection, Public Administration
Transformative Social Policy in Development? Demystifying Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin...
Johan Sandberg
Conditional cash transfers (CCTs) have been widely promoted for their ability to simultaneously pursue the twin objectives of short-term poverty alleviation and long-term poverty reduction. Yet, CCTs’ alleged capabilities concerning...

Education and Research
Aiding Science. An analysis of Swedish Research Aid Policy 1973 - 2008
Veronica Brodén Gyberg
This dissertation investigates how Swedish official aid policy constructed the role of research for development in low-income countries between 1973 and 2008. The overarching purpose of the study is to contribute to an understanding of how...

Health and Social Protection
Sweden’s Development Assistance for Health – Policy Options to Support the Global Health 2035...
Gavin Yamey, Helen Saxenian, Robert Hecht, Jesper Sundewall, Dean Jamison
In 2013 the Lancet Commission on Investing in Health (CIH) published Global Health 2035: A World Converging within a Generation. The report laid out a series of opportunities for donors, low-income countries, and lower middle-income...

Democracy and Human Rights
Institutional Impediments and Reluctant Actors - The Limited Role of Democracy Aid in Democratic...
Agnes Cornell
This Development Dissertation Brief (DDB) summarizes Agnes Cornell’s dissertation Institutional Impediments and Reluctant Actors - The Limited Role of Democracy Aid in Democratic Development. The dissertation examines why and under what...

Economic Development, Organisation and Management of Aid
Poverty Focus in Selected Swedish Aid portfolios
Mats Hårsmar
The aim of Swedish international development assistance is to help reduce poverty. The purpose of this paper is to assess whether projects and programmes in a selected number of Swedish partner countries focus on what research have...

Economic Development, Organisation and Management of Aid
The Poverty Focus of Swedish Bilateral Aid: A Comparativ Analysis
Bob Baulch
The Development Assistance Committee’s peer review of 2013 notes that “Sweden’s aid remained largely as it was at the time of the last peer review: thinly spread across a wide range of countries and sectors”. The review...

Organisation and Management of Aid
Mapping of Swedish multilateral development aid during the 1997 – 2012 period
The purpose of this study was twofold. One task was to find out how Swedish support to multilateral organisations has evolved over the last 15 years. Another purpose was to investigate what information could be found in publically...

Evaluation of Aid
Description of method
Randomized Controlled Trials: Strengths, Weaknesses and Policy Relevance
Anders Olofsgård
The report explores the role of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in evaluations of the impact of aid-financed activities. The first part looks at how RCTs have been used in research and practice to promote evidence-based development...