2016 Evaluation of Aid Review

The EBA Aid Review 2016

By March 31 each year the EBA submits a report to the Government of Sweden summarising the content and conclusion of our reports and seminars. In the 2016 Aid Review we present work conducted during 2015 and also briefly summarise our ongoing work. The report is written for a wide audience of policy makers, practitioners and students as well as the general public with an interest in development issues.

In our reports, we have drawn attention to a range of different issues. These include the significance of well functioning institutions and how Sweden can contribute in various ways, what aid donors should think about in partnerships with the private sector and how to encourage increased entrepreneurship among young women. Cooperation with other important actors in the Swedish aid community has also been highlighted, for example through an analysis of changed conditions for providing support to and through actors within civil society and how the central government as a donor can behave in relation to this. Other questions that we have dealt with are the effects of climate-related aid interventions, conflict and development, and concentration within Swedish aid. We have also surveyed how Swedish aid is evaluated.

The EBA Aid Review 2016 is available in two formats:

  • PRINT – order your copy from the EBA Secretariat at ud.eba@gov.se