2022 Organisation and Management of Aid Mapping

Settlements for migration costs in Sweden: what do we know?

Jan Pettersson, Henrik Malm Lindberg, Mats Hårsmar

Since the 1990s, Sweden has reported costs for asylum reception in the home country as aid. As Sweden budgets for total aid to amount to a specific volume (previously in the form of a target of one per cent of GNI, now a fixed sum), increased (decreased) costs for asylum reception mean reductions (increases) in other aid activities. A direct consequence of this system of so-called deductions is therefore an uncertainty about the size of other aid components in a given year.

With the ambition of providing a description the system of deductions from the aid budget for migration costs, the secretariats of the Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) and the Migration Studies Delegation (Delmi) have jointly produced this Working Paper.