2013 Organisation and Management of Aid Mapping

Mapping of Swedish multilateral development aid during the 1997 – 2012 period


The purpose of this study was twofold. One task was to find out how Swedish support to multilateral organisations has evolved over the last 15 years. Another purpose was to investigate what information could be found in publically available aid statistics. The report contains tables and graphs over total Swedish multilateral assistance, multi-bi-assistance and bilateral assistance.

Main findings

  • Both multilateral core support and multi-bi support have increased as shares of the total. Comparisons with three other OECD countries (Norway, the Netherlands and the UK) indicate similar trends.
  • The mapping was quite cumbersome to make, since a lot of data cleaning was necessary. Especially distinctions between bilateral and multi-bi-aid were blurred.
  • Data quality before the year 2003 was so low that its use is not recommended.

, Consulting firm