How are civil society organisations affected by the backlash against sexual and gender rights?
What we know about corruption – as a barrier to development and in aid
Evaluation of Sida’s efforts to reduce corruption in partner countries

Climate and Environment
Swedish Climate-change Mitigation Finance
Annika Hilgert, Fiona Lambe, Flintull Annica Eriksson, Igor Shishlov, Luisa Weber, Max Schmidt, Númi Östlund, Per Strömberg
This report investigates the role of Swedish climate aid in achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement. The focus is on catalytic climate-change mitigation finance and the initiatives of three key institutions: the Swedish...

Democracy and Human Rights
Evidence‐Based Anti‐Corruption? Evaluation of Sida’s Efforts to Reduce Corruption in Partner...
Marina Nistotskaya, Hayden Buker, Marcia Grimes, Anna Persson, Michelle D’Arcy, Bo Rothstein, Adea Gafuri
Corruption constitutes a serious barrier to sustainable development. During the last few years, Sida has strengthened its efforts to tackle corruption in partner countries. This report presents a comprehensive evaluation of the potential...

Democracy and Human Rights
External Support to Constitution Building Processes
Andy Carl, Anna Dziedzic, Cheryl Saunders, Samantha Smith
The global autocratization wave implies among other that rule-of-law is on the retreat globally, and the number of un-constitutional take-overs have increased. Constitutions are at the foundation of social contracts. However, they may also...