2022 Evaluation of Aid Evaluation

Assessment of the EBA’s Country Evaluations: Quality, Use & Learning

Ole Winckler Andersen, Elliot Stern

This report assesses a portfolio of five country evaluations (CEs) commissioned by EBA between 2015 and 2017, and published between 2016 and 2018. These CEs, in Tanzania, Uganda, Cambodia (the site of 2 studies) and Bosnia-Herzegovina took a long-term view consistent with the long-term priorities and continuities of Swedish development cooperation policies.

The assessment was expected to draw lessons for EBA from these CEs to, inter alia:

  • Explore what can be learnt from the evaluations that have been conducted so far, focusing on the use, learning and relevance for Swedish development cooperation.
  • Assess the quality of the evaluation reports using the EBA policy for study quality.
  • Identify aspects of the EBA country evaluations that could be improved to increase the quality, use, learning and relevance for the Swedish development cooperation.

In addressing the above points, the report develops a series of conclusions that intended to guide EBA’s CEs in the future.