2018 Organisation and Management of Aid Review

ICT i det svenska biståndet

Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys

Information and communication technology (ICT) has long been an important part of Swedish development assistance both at the bilateral level and via multilateral organizations. This report aims to map the Swedish ICT assistance during 2011-2017 to explore what the support actually consists of, how much funds are invested and where.

Main findings

  • In terms of volume, Swedish ICT development assistance is relatively small in relation to the entire budget, but is often integrated in other areas.
  • 60 recipient countries were found in the survey. The support goes mainly to partner countries in East Africa.
  • Collaboration with the private sector is underdeveloped for a field that largely depends on a multi-actor perspective.
  • ICT assistance is difficult to oversee as a result of many actors and initiatives, which in turn affects the opportunity for learning through follow-up and evaluation.

Vulnerability due of an increasingly digitalized world means that difficult trade-offs will be necessary to counteract anti-democratic forces.

Eva Mineur
Richard Sannerholm