2020 Equality, Organisation and Management of Aid Mapping

Vad är jämställdhetsbudgetering, vem gör det och har det effekt?

Anna Schnell

Gender budgeting means a systematic integration of the causes to gender inequality and design of measures for increased gender equality in both budgets and budget processes. It is clearly written in the Sustainable Development Agenda as an indicator to the sub-goal of promoting gender equality through policy and legislation. This report provides an overview of the who, what and how of gender budgeting as well as what knowledge is available about the effects of development assistance financed initiatives in this area.

Main findings

  • The area seems under-evaluated and therefore difficult to map.
  • There is a (weak) positive connection between gender budgeting and increased gender equality.


  • It is important to firmly establish programs and strengthen the capacity of key actors (within ministries, parliaments and civil society).
  • The initiatives needs to be linked to other priorities, such as poverty reduction.
  • There is a need for well-adapted systems for documentation, follow-up and evaluation.