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  • Organisation and Management of Aid
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  • EBA reports

of results


Organisation and Management of Aid

The Evolution of Aid Conditionality: A Review of the Literature of the Last Twenty Years

Patrick Guillaumont, Matthieu Boussichas, Andrea Dsouza

Official Development Assistance is never provided free of conditions, and the provision of aid is ultimately at the donors’ discretion. However, aid relations often contain other, more extensive demands on recipient organisations, and...

Background pattern


Organisation and Management of Aid


Settlements for migration costs in Sweden: what do we know?

Jan Pettersson, Henrik Malm Lindberg, Mats Hårsmar

Since the 1990s, Sweden has reported costs for asylum reception in the home country as aid. As Sweden budgets for total aid to amount to a specific volume (previously in the form of a target of one per cent of GNI, now a fixed sum),...


Organisation and Management of Aid

Mapping, Other

Influence in Multilateral Aid Organizations: A Literature Review

Isabella Strindevall, Magnus Lundgren

Sweden is an important donor to the multilateral system, working to achieve its aid and development goals through significant financial support to multilateral organisations, such as the European Union, the United Nations and the World...

Background pattern


Education and Research, Health and Social Protection, Organisation and Management of Aid


Payment by Results in Aid: A Review of the Evidence

Geske Dijkstra

The evidence on the effectiveness of Payment by results for outputs, outcomes and impact is mixed, especially when taking into account the quality of studies. To the extent there is evidence on improved transparency and accountability, and...

Background pattern


Organisation and Management of Aid


Thematic Theories of change contributing to the Agenda 2030

Suvi Virkkunen, Alva Bruun

This working paper is one of the contributions to the EBA anthology on theories of change (ToC) in development cooperation. The authors, Suvi Virkkunen and Alva Bruun (both formerly with the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs) describe...

Background pattern


Education and Research, Organisation and Management of Aid

Description of method

Engaging with Institutions: Clarifying Goals and Developing Theories of Change

Adam Pain

This working paper is one of the contributions to the EBA anthology on theories of change (ToC) in development cooperation. The author, Adam Pain, discusses ToCs for a common type of intervention in Swedish development cooperation: support...


Democracy and Human Rights, Organisation and Management of Aid

Description of method

An Approach to Theory of Change for Swedish Development Cooperation?

Joakim Molander, Wolfgang Biersack

In this text, Joakim Molander and Wolfgang Biersack describe the theory of change that International IDEA has established to guide the organisation towards its objective of promoting and advancing sustainable democracy. IDEA’s theory of...


Organisation and Management of Aid, Public Administration


Riksdagspartierna och biståndet: konflikt eller konsensus?

Thomas Larue

Published in Swedish...


Humanitarian Assistance


Recurring Disasters: Swedish Humanitarian Assistance to Ethiopia

Emma Öståker

This study shows that Ethiopia at regular intervals during the last decades has suffered from disasters and emergencies during which Sweden contributed relatively large sums of humanitarian aid. The study raises vital questions about how...


Economic Development


Agriculture, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction

Mats Hårsmar

A key question that continues to face policymakers and practitioners in development is: What are the most effective ways of reducing poverty in low-income countries? A debate that has long been waged relates to the role of agriculture and...


Evaluation of Aid


Assessment of the EBA’s Country Evaluations: Quality, Use & Learning

Elliot Stern, Ole Winckler Andersen

This report assesses a portfolio of five country evaluations (CEs) commissioned by EBA between 2015 and 2017, and published between 2016 and 2018. These CEs, in Tanzania, Uganda, Cambodia (the site of 2 studies) and Bosnia-Herzegovina took...


Organisation and Management of Aid


Multi-Stakeholder Ownership and Sustainability in the Context of Development Projects

Pranvera Muçaj

The issue of ownership has been at the heart of the international development debate for several decades. While the Paris Declaration from 2005 contributed to (at least an alleged) consensus on the centrality of ownership – or partner...


Organisation and Management of Aid


Förändringsteori som strategiskt verktyg för hållbarhet inom IKEA

Jens Andersson

Published in Swedish...


Organisation and Management of Aid


Applying Adaptive Theory of Change in Fragile and Conflict Affected Settings

Erik Bryld, Julian Brett, Léonie Borel

Swedish development assistance needs to be able to adapt to changing circumstances, particularly in fragile and conflict affected states, where contexts can change rapidly. This is true not only for individual projects or programmes, but...


Evaluation of Aid


Punching Above its Weight or Running with the Crowd? Lessons from Sweden’s Development...

Adam Pain

This working paper reviews the lessons that can be drawn from Sweden’s development cooperation with Afghanistan from 2002–2020, and the implications of these for Sweden’s future engagement with the country. The analysis is based on...


Organisation and Management of Aid


Corruption and Aid: A Literature Review (in Swedish)

Helena Hede Skagerlind

Corruption in development aid is a recurring issue of debate. Within this background report, the author  compiles conclusions from academic and grey literature on the extent of corruption in development assistance. The focus is primarily...


Humanitarian Assistance, Migration, Organisation and Management of Aid


Forced Displacement and the Humanitarian‐Development Nexus: A Roundtable Anthology

Alexander Burlin, Jason Gagnon, Karen Jacobsen, Kim Wilson, Mona Ahmed, Sarah Miller

This Working Paper summarises three roundtable discussions arranged by EBA during Spring 2021 under the theme “Forced Displacement and the Humanitarian‐Development Nexus.” The three roundtables looked at challenges and opportunities...


Evaluation of Aid

Relevant? Almost Always: Relevance in Development Cooperation

Joel Samoff

Evaluations of development cooperation interventions are almost always based on the evaluation criteria developed by OECD/DAC, one of which relates to the relevance of an intervention. One observation related to the evaluation criteria...


Organisation and Management of Aid

Like-Minded in Principle or in Practice? Priorities and Allocations in EU Member States’ Foreign...

Jonas Tallberg, Olof Karlsson

Together, the EU and its 27 member states constitute by far largest provider of Official Development Assistance (ODA) in the world. Several member countries have been important donor countries for a long time, while others are emerging....


Equality, Health and Social Protection


Mapping of Swedish Aid Addressing Menstruation

Elin Bergenlöv

In the last ten years the issue of menstruation has received increasing attention in Swedish development cooperation. However, an overall picture of the extent to which menstruation is addressed in Swedish aid is absent. This study...


Climate and Environment

Circular Economy – a Conceptual Review and Analysis of Implications for Swedish Development...

Daniel Slunge, Ida Andersson, Petter Wikström, Thomas Sterner

Circular economy is increasingly discussed in Swedish, European, and international public policy making. This report provides a review of the circular economy concept and discusses its potential implications for Swedish development...


Climate and Environment


Alignment of Sweden’s Multilateral Aid with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change

Lisa Hjelm, Mats Hårsmar

The study contains assessments of 25 multilateral organisations receiving support from Swedish ODA. To what extent are their work aligned with the Paris Agreement in terms of climate mitigation, adaptation to adverse effects of climate...


Equality, Organisation and Management of Aid


Vad är jämställdhetsbudgetering, vem gör det och har det effekt?

Anna Schnell

Gender budgeting means a systematic integration of the causes to gender inequality and design of measures for increased gender equality in both budgets and budget processes. It is clearly written in the Sustainable Development Agenda as an...


Education and Research


Development Research in Sweden – A Dispersed Research Community Under Pressure

Cecilia Strand, Elin Bjarnegård, Flora Hajdu, Henning Melber, Janet Vähämäki, Jonas Ewald, Magnus Jirström, Rickard Lalander

This study was initiated and conducted by the newly established Swedish Development Research Network (SweDev) with support from the Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA). The study has sought to map the Swedish development research community,...


Humanitarian Assistance


Blockchain as a tool in humanitarian action - a brief overview of potential uses

Anna Bäckman

The existing initiatives using blockchain technology in humanitarian aid are few and at an early stage. The potential of blockchain should nevertheless be considered seriously. It can, for example, be used within financial means, reducing...


Organisation and Management of Aid


In Pursuit of Per Diem - Donor and Recipient Practices of Per Diem Payment

Arne Tostensen

Increasing emphasis on capacity-building and training activities as a proportion of donors’ country programmes has drawn attention to per diem practices. This report discusses the uses and abuses of per diem payments, predominantly by...


Organisation and Management of Aid


ICT i det svenska biståndet

Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys

Information and communication technology (ICT) has long been an important part of Swedish development assistance both at the bilateral level and via multilateral organizations. This report aims to map the Swedish ICT assistance during...


Public Administration


The Rise and Fall of Budget Support in Swedish Development Cooperation

Karl-Anders Larsson

Budget support is the aid modality that best complies with the principles for aid effectiveness and it has been stated in several Swedish government documents since 2000 that its share of total Swedish aid should increase. It increased up...

Background pattern


Climate and Environment

Weather and Conflicts in Afghanistan

Monir Elias Bounadi

This Working Paper combine high-resolution data on temperature and precipitation with georeferenced data on conflict events to explore the link between local weather variations and conflict incidence for all districts of Afghanistan...


Evaluation of Aid, Public Administration


Volatility in Swedish Aid: the Case of Six Long-term Partner Countries

Matilda Svedberg

Looking specifically at the case of Sweden, this working paper aims to provide insight to research and policies concerning aid volatility and generate comparable estimates of volatility in foreign aid. The paper uses the...


Public Administration


Sweden’s Development Support to Tax Systems

Klas Markensten

More financing, including taxes, is needed to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. At the Addis Ababa conference 2015 the Addis Tax Initiative was launched, in which donors were asked to double their technical assistance to...


Democracy and Human Rights


Rättsstatens principer och svenskt utvecklingssamarbete

Anna Jonsson Cornell

The purpose of this report is to present the current policy framework, and provide an introduction to how Swedish actors work and have worked with the rule of law principles within the framework of Swedish development cooperation. The...




On-going Evaluation of Gender Mainstreaming at Sida – Second Report

Elin Bjarnegård, Fredrik Uggla, Hanna Barvaeus

EBA decided in 2016 to initiate "on-going evaluation" on the efforts to strengthen gender mainstreaming at Sida until 2018. This is the second report from the evaluation. This report presents updates and extensions of findings and...


Evaluation of Aid

Description of method

Analytical Framework for Portfolio Analyses of Swedish Development Cooperation

Annika Nilsson, Johanna Lindgren Garcia

This study is based on an expressed need at EBA to supplement its research reports with portfolio analyses that describe what Swedish development cooperation does in a specific country or sector. In addition, there is a need to...


Climate and Environment


The Impact of Foreign Aid on Local Deforestation

Nicklas Nordfors

The aim of the thesis is to answer the question: does foreign aid have an impact on local environmental degradation, specifically deforestation, in recipient countries? The study link geocoded data on aid projects in Uganda to high...


Health and Social Protection


Plant Pests and Child Health: Evidence from Locust Infestations in West Africa

Evelina Linnros

For many households in developing economies climate shock, economic instability, illness and conflict are part of everyday life. Without access to formal insurance and credit markets, this means a limited ability to smooth...




On-going Evaluation of Gender Mainstreaming at Sida - First report

Elin Bjarnegård, Fredrik Uggla

The Expert for Aid Studies decided in 2016 to initiate “on-going evaluation” on the efforts to strengthen gender mainstreaming at Sida until 2018. In total, two interim reports and a final EBA report will be presented. This first...


Organisation and Management of Aid


Reclassification or Reprioritisation? The Sector Allocation of Swedish Official Development...

Ulrika Ahrsjö

The question posed in this paper is in whether re-formulated political goals for development assistance lead to reclassifications of individual aid projects, rather than actual reallocations of funds. The study compares...


Economic Development, Public Administration


Sweden's Economic Relationships with Uganda

Anton Ståhl, Arne Bigsten, John Åke Andersson, Per-Åke Andersson

Sweden’s bilateral aid to Uganda over the period 2000-2015 was fairly extensive, amounting to around 335 million Swedish Kronor (SEK) per year (Openaid 2016). This explorative study aims to map commercial and other economic...


Economic Development, Public Administration


Is Development Aid a Complement or a Substitute to Foreign Direct Investment?

Ulrika Ahrsjö

Can foreign aid contribute to attracting private investment to developing countries? This paper applies an instrumental variable strategy developed by Galiani et al. (2014) to data from 35 countries that traversed the middle income...


Organisation and Management of Aid


Data - Swedish international aid in Sweden

The Expert Group for Aid Studies

The study Svenskt statligt internationellt bistånd i Sverige – en översikt (2014:05) maps out how Swedish international aid has been evaluated during 2013. The data used in the report is available here. The findings were presented...


Economic Development, Organisation and Management of Aid


Poverty Focus in Selected Swedish Aid portfolios

Mats Hårsmar

The aim of Swedish international development assistance is to help reduce poverty. The purpose of this paper is to assess whether projects and programmes in a selected number of Swedish partner countries focus on what research have...


Economic Development, Organisation and Management of Aid


The Poverty Focus of Swedish Bilateral Aid: A Comparativ Analysis

Bob Baulch

The Development Assistance Committee’s peer review of 2013 notes that “Sweden’s aid remained largely as it was at the time of the last peer review: thinly spread across a wide range of countries and sectors”. The review...


Organisation and Management of Aid


Mapping of Swedish multilateral development aid during the 1997 – 2012 period


The purpose of this study was twofold. One task was to find out how Swedish support to multilateral organisations has evolved over the last 15 years. Another purpose was to investigate what information could be found in publically...