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Watch the seminar Global Development and the Middle-Income Trap

A majority of the world's poor live in middle-income countries. Watch the seminar where Indermit Gill from the World Bank discusses how middle-income countries can achieve economic, social and environmental efficiency together with Norman Loayza, Global Indicators Group; Elina Scheja, Sida; Haishan Fu, World Bank; Torbjörn Becker, Stockholm Institute of Transition Economies and Mats Hårsmar, Expert Group for Aid Studies.
Published 29 May 2024 – Read more

Working against the tide for children’s and women’s rights

"In a time of disinformation, informed knowledge is essential." Åsa Regnér, Secretary General of Save the Children, is a new member of the Expert Group for Aid Studies as of 1 April. She works daily to improve the rights of children and women in the world and has experience from both the government and the UN. Read more about Åsa and how she views her role in EBA.
Published 21 May 2024 – Read more

Political Voice in Times of Democratic Backsliding

On 16 May, EBA organised a seminar where Adea Gafuri, Elizaveta Kopacheva, and Valeriya Mechkova presented and discussed their theses in the field of political representation and ways to counter democratic decline.
Published 17 May 2024 – Read more

Development cooperation in middle income countries?

A majority of the world’s poor live in middle income countries. What is, and should be, the role for development cooperation in this country category? On the 27th of May, the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE), the World Bank, The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Expert group for Aid Studies (EBA) will host a public knowledge event entitled "Global Development and the Middle-Income Trap".
Published 13 May 2024 – Read more

Report on the acceptance of green transition in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda

Very little is known about the acceptance of green transition in low- and middle-income countries. This study provides new insights into public support for carbon taxes and the removal of fossil fuel subsidies in three East African countries, where widespread poverty and corruption contribute to low trust in political institutions.
Published 8 May 2024 – Read more

“I want to contribute to the democratic anchoring of aid”

As of 1 April, EBA's Expert Group has three new members, including Katarina Tracz, a security and defence analyst and strategic communications advisor. Katarina shares her expectations of EBA and her thoughts on how she can contribute as a member of the Expert Group.
Published 6 May 2024 – Read more

A nerd with defence readiness and prioritisation as keywords

The work of the EBA is guided by an Expert Group, which decides on the focus and the studies to be undertaken. As of 1 April, the Expert Group has three new members. One of them is Jenny Deschamps-Berger, Head of the Analysis Support Division, Centre for Total Defence and Societal Security at the Swedish Defence University. Here she shares about herself and about being part of the EBA.
Published 2 May 2024 – Read more

Welcome to a seminar on democracy and autocratisation!

2024 will go down in history as a super election year. Never have so many people had the opportunity to make their democratic voices heard as this year. At the same time, we are in the midst of what's known as a period of ‘democratic backsliding’ with more and more countries turning towards an autocratic system of governance. What can aid do to improve the chances of increased democratisation, and what conditions are required for citizens in semi-autocratic countries to regain political power?
Published 24 April 2024 – Read more

Three new members and a vice chair in EBA

The Expert Group has three new members from April 1st: Jenny Deschamps-Berger, head of the Department for Analysis Support at the Centre for Total Defence and Society Security at the Swedish Defence University; Åsa Regnér, Secretary General of Save the Children; and Katarina Tracz, CEO and founder of Solomós Communications. Malin Oud, who has been a member of the expert group for a year, was appointed vice chair of the expert group at the same time.
Published 20 April 2024 – Read more

Watch the Seminar about Supporting Local Actors

At the seminar, three of the authors: Sophia Swithern, Charlotte Lattimer and Teddy Atim, presented their research and findings from the evaluation of how Sweden has applied the localisation agenda Supporting Local Actors for a More...
Published 15 April 2024 – Read more
Annual report

Aid to Ukraine and it’s challenges

Sweden is one of many actors supporting Ukraine. The challenges are unique and many: support to defend and maintain a country at war; short- and long-term assistance with reconstruction; and support to drive the necessary reforms to combat corruption and bring the country closer to EU membership.
Published 3 April 2024 – Read more

Learnings from 40 years of HIV response

The first cases of AIDS appeared in the late 1970s and the disease rapidly developed into an international epidemic in the 1980s. Sweden was among the countries that joined the response. In the EBA report The Swedish Aid Response to the HIV Epidemic: An Overview you can read about how the Swedish HIV response has evolved over these 40 years, and what lessons can we learn from this long effort.
Published 19 March 2024 – Read more

How can development cooperation promote rule of law?

According to the World Justice Project index, rule of law is in global decline for the sixth consecutive year. This also means that respect for human rights and the foundations of democracy are put under further threat. This was the subject of a round table discussion organized by EBA, in collaboration with Sida and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Published 23 February 2024 – Read more

Trade and Markets for Development

Welcome to a seminar on the theme of trade and development. Trade is an important part of creating opportunities for sustainable and long-term development. In the Swedish Government's reform agenda for development assistance, aid and trade...
Published 12 January 2024 – Read more

More Than a Label, Less Than a Revolution: Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy

How was Sweden's feminist foreign policy implemented? The EBA report "More Than a Label, Less Than a Revolution: Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy" (EBA 2023:02) presents the first systematic study of the implementation of Sweden's feminist foreign policy (FFP). It follows the implementation chain from the Government to embassies and public authorities within the three areas of foreign policy.
Published 30 August 2023 – Read more
Working paper

Influence in Multilateral Organizatinons

Sweden is an important donor to the multilateral system, working to achieve its aid and development goals through significant financial support to multilateral organisations, such as the European Union, the United Nations and the World...
Published 3 July 2023 – Read more

Payment by Results in Aid: Does it work?

The evidence on the effectiveness of Payment by results for outputs, outcomes and impact is mixed. A new working paper show that Payment by results appears to have been effective in some cases and circumstances, but that effectiveness, let alone cost effectiveness (or value added) of PbR in general is by no means certain.
Published 23 May 2023 – Read more
Annual report

Our annual report is here

The EBA Aid Review 2023 highlights a number of issues. Among them are Sweden's role in EU aid, the crisis management capacity of international development cooperation, the importance of agricultural aid and what aid can realistically achieve.
Published 12 May 2023 – Read more

The Rise of Social Protection in the Global South: The Role of Foreign Aid

More than half of the world’s population has no access to social safety nets or social insurance. What is international development aid doing to address this? A new EBA study demonstrates that, while international aid has contributed to the expansion of social safety net programmes in poor countries, the share of aid that is targeted towards social protection has decreased globally.
Published 28 April 2023 – Read more

New report provides unique insight into negotiations

After three years of negotiations a new aid budget was agreed upon in the EU. These negotiations thus represent one of the most impactful development policy processes of the decade. This report provides a unique insight into the negotiations.
Published 27 December 2022 – Read more

Is strategic secondments an effective tool?

This report highlights how Sweden works with one of the many tools available to cooperate with and influence multilateral organizations, namely secondments. The overall conclusion of the evaluation is that senior secondments can be an effective instrument in Swedish advocacy work, but only under the right conditions and circumstances.
Published 4 October 2022 – Read more

New report about Swedish Aid to Agriculture

Agricultural development has strong poverty reduction leverage. Still, Swedish aid to agriculture, forestry and fishery constitute meagre shares. A recent mapping indicate severe underreporting.
Published 22 September 2022 – Read more
Invitation for proposals

Invitation for proposals: Evaluation of Sida’s efforts to reduce corruption in partner countries

We hereby invites proposals for an evaluation of Sida’s efforts to reduce corruption in partner countries. The aim of the evaluation is to explore and assess Sida’s work against corruption as a development obstacle. More specifically, the evaluation will study the extent to which Sida’s efforts to contribute to the reduction of corruption in partner countries are in line with current knowledge about effective approaches to anti-corruption.
Published 9 May 2022 – Read more
Invitation for proposals

Call for researcher-initiated proposals

EBA has decided to allocate funds for studies within any of its prioritised areas (poverty and its drivers; environment and climate; steering and organisation of Swedish aid). Funds are available for researchers active at institutions...
Published 21 April 2022 – Read more
Annual report

Annual report: The EBA Aid Review 2022

Our annual report highlights a number of issues. Among them are development assistance in challenging environments, improved aid evaluation methods and also norms and values in development cooperation.
Published 12 April 2022 – Read more

Internship at EBA

Are you a student and interested in global issues and development cooperation? In addition to your theoretical studies, do you want to gain insight into what happens in workplaces that deal with these issues? Then you should apply for an internship in EBA's office.
Published 11 February 2022 – Read more

Webinar: State-To-State Or Bypass?

See the EBA webinar on differences in donor countries' ways of channeling aid to recipient countries: Why do some donor governments channel their aid through recipient governments, while others bypass such authorities? Listen to...
Published 26 January 2022 – Read more
Working paper

New working paper about Swedish aid to Afghanistan

EBA has published a new working paper that reviews the lessons that can be drawn from Sweden’s development cooperation with Afghanistan from 2002–2020. The author also analyses the implications of these for Sweden’s future engagement with the country.
Published 29 August 2021 – Read more

New report (in Swedish): “What Do Evaluations Say About the Effectiveness of Swedish Aid Interventions?”

I denna studie undersöker författaren vad utvärderingar säger om måluppfyllelsen i Sidas biståndsinsatser. Författaren undersöker också i vilken grad dessa måluppfyllelseutvärderingar kan anses tillförlitliga. Studien baseras på en systematisk genomgång av den del som avser måluppfyllelse i 80 decentraliserade utvärderingar från åren 2017 till 2019 beställda av Sida, samt sex centralt genomförda ("strategiska") Sida-utvärderingar från perioden 2015-2019.
Published 12 August 2021 – Read more
Working paper

New Working Paper: “Corruption and Aid: A Literature Review” (in Swedish)

Korruption inom biståndet är en återkommande fråga i samhällsdebatten. I denna underlagsrapport sammanställer rapportförfattaren slutsatser från akademisk och grå litteratur kring korruptionens omfattning inom biståndet. Översikten berör primärt korruption inom biståndet och inte korruption som utvecklingshinder.
Published 5 July 2021 – Read more
Working paper

New Working Paper: “Forced Displacement and the Humanitarian‐Development Nexus: A Roundtable Anthology”

This Working Paper summarises three roundtable discussions arranged by EBA during Spring 2021 under the theme "Forced Displacement and the Humanitarian‐Development Nexus." The three roundtables looked at challenges and opportunities for working within the nexus, with a respective focus on internal displacement, livelihoods and financial health, and coherence between donor and host country measures. The latter roundtable was co-organised by EBA and the OECD Development Centre.
Published 21 June 2021 – Read more
Working paper

New Working Paper: “Relevant? Almost Always: Relevance in Development Cooperation”

In this Working Paper, Joel Samoff explores the use of the relevance criterion in evaluations of Swedish development cooperation. He critically investigates a number of recently conducted evaluations and a selection of other documents. Based on this investigation, he presents a number of suggestions for how the relevance criterion can be improved.
Published 1 June 2021 – Read more
Working paper

New Working Paper: “Mapping of Swedish Aid Addressing Menstruation”

Today on International Menstrual Hygiene Day (28 May), EBA is publishing the new Working Paper "Mapping of Swedish Aid Addressing Menstruation." In this paper, author Elin Berglöv examines to what extent menstruation is made visible and prioritised within Swedish development cooperation. She also maps existing contributions and interventions in the area.
Published 28 May 2021 – Read more

New EBA report: “Data Science Methods in Development Evaluation: Exploring the Potential”

This study examines the potential of using data science and Natural Language Processing (NLP) in development evaluation. It looks at how such methods can be used produce reliable assessments of what past evaluations have concluded about aid projects and programmes (relating to OECD/DAC’s evaluation criteria relevance). It also discusses the strengths and weaknesses of these methods compared to approaches relying on manual techniques.
Published 27 May 2021 – Read more
Working paper

New Working Paper: “Like-Minded in Principle or in Practice? Priorities and Allocations in EU Member States’ Foreign Aid”

EBA has published a new Working Paper titled "Like-Minded in Principle or in Practice? Priorities and Allocations in EU Member States’ Foreign Aid." The paper presents a mapping of the development policies of the EU and all its member states and relates member states’ profiles to Sweden to identify “like-minded” states in development cooperation.
Published 25 May 2021 – Read more
Working paper

New Working Paper: “Circular Economy – a Conceptual Review and Analysis of Implications for Swedish Development Cooperation”

EBA has published a new Working Paper titled "Circular Economy – a Conceptual Review and Analysis of Implications for Swedish Development Cooperation." Circular economy is increasingly discussed in Swedish, European, and international public policy making. This report provides a review of the circular economy concept and discusses its potential implications for Swedish development cooperation.
Published 24 May 2021 – Read more
Annual report

The EBA Aid Review 2021 – now in English!

Our annual report The EBA Aid Review 2021 summarises insights and conclusions from our reports and seminars from the previous year. The report is written for a wide audience of policy makers, practitioners and students, as well as the general public with an interest in development issues.
Published 28 April 2021 – Read more

Call for researcher-initiated proposals

EBA has decided to allocate funds for studies within any of its four prioritised areas (democracy support; SRHR and health; aid in fragile situations; environment and climate). Funds are available for researchers active at institutions...
Published 19 April 2021 – Read more

EBA på MR-dagarna 19-21 april

Under Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna (19-21 april) anordnar EBA två miniseminarier om bistånd och mänskliga rättigheter. Ett handlar om "Avbrutna biståndsprojekt: hur påverkas de som bor där?", och det andra om "Sex, korruption & bistånd: hur bekämpar vi 'sextortion'?". Samtalen är gratis och skrivtolkas.
Published 13 April 2021 – Read more

DDB Webinar: Listening to Locals in Peacebuilding – Experiences from Bosnia, Myanmar and International Peacebuilding Partnerships

Welcome to an EBA DDB webinar on the local–international relationship in peacebuilding, taking place on March 25 at 13:30–15:00 CET! The webinar will be based on three new EBA Development Dissertation Briefs (DDBs) that summarise recent doctoral dissertations on peacebuilding with examples from Bosnia, Myanmar and international peacebuilding partnerships.
Published 4 March 2021 – Read more

Democracy Aid – Are There Any Effects?

PRESS RELEASE 20201209 New study: Democracy aid has an impact Does development cooperation aimed at strengthening democracy work? A new study from the Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) addresses critical knowledge gaps on aid...
Published 9 December 2020 – Read more

How can cash transfer support during crisis?

The Covid-19 pandemic has had devastating consequences for people living in poverty. As a response to the crisis, several countries have initiated, or expanded cash transfer programmes directed at households. The EBA has contributed to a...
Published 2 December 2020 – Read more

We have evaluated Swedish Authorities´ Reform Cooperation

A new EBA-evaluation concludes, among other things, that Swedish government authorities contributed to sustainable results in terms of improving the capacity of their partner agencies in the Western Balkans – particularly in relation to...
Published 15 October 2020 – Read more
Aid review

The EBA Aid Review 2020 is here!

Our annual report is based on the studies that we have published during the last year. You can easily download it. Over arching themes in The EBA Aid Review this year are: Democracy, Risk, Corruption and mediatisation, Aid for sustainability and Anti-discrimination and gender equality.
Published 6 May 2020 – Read more

EBA-webinar: Aid in times of a changing climate

Watch this popular webinar at any time convenient for you. In 2009, the Swedish Government launched the Climate Change Initiative (CCI), a four-year programme of investments in climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, targeting some of the poorest countries.
Published 3 April 2020 – Read more

EBA-seminar on blended finance

In connection to the release of a new report on blended finance in decelopment cooperation, we recently had this seminar: ”Financing Private Development Investments in Sub-Saharan Africa”. Please feel free to watch it...
Published 16 March 2020 – Read more

Anti-discrimination and the fight against poverty

Many living in poverty belong to discriminated against groups. Anti-discrimination work are key to reduce poverty. Still, not enough is known about what gives the best effects in anti-discrimination. See the seminar here.
Published 14 August 2019 – Read more
Aid review

The EBA Aid Review 2019

Our annual report The EBA Aid Review 2019 has arrived! Here we gather findings and conclusions from our work last year, in an accessible, short format. Read about current challenges and trends in development cooperation, and also reflections for the future. The EBA Aid Review is available in English here and in Swedish here. For a printed version, please don’t hesitate to order from ud.eba@gov.se.
Published 6 May 2019 – Read more

Swedish Aid to Bosnia and Herzegovina – An evaluation

Welcome to an interesting seminar and launch of our new evaluation of Swedish development cooperation to Bosnia and Herzegovina during 1995-2018. Friday April 26th at 2 pm - 3.45 pm (registration at 1.30 pm), at Medelhavsmuseet in Stockholm.
Published 24 April 2019 – Read more

Aid in shrinking democratic spaces

We are living in an era where civil liberties are increasingly under threat. How does this trend affect forms and content of Swedish international development cooperation?
Published 18 October 2018 – Read more

EBA-invitation for proposals: evaluate the NDF

EBA invites proposals for evaluate the Nordic Development Fund (NDF). Focus on institutional performances in accordance to mandate and potential future role as a joint Nordic financing instrument for development. Find more information...
Published 21 August 2018 – Read more

Working together in Syria – report release and seminar

On June 15 EBA in collaboration with the German Institute for Development Evaluation, DEval, held a seminar on "How can humanitarian and development aid work together? The case of Syria". The EBA report 2018:02 Building bridges between...
Published 27 June 2018 – Read more

EBA-seminarium: “The (fluctuating) value of aid”

On May 28 the report "How predictable is Swedish aid? A study of exchange rate volatility" was launched at a seminar at Medelhavsmuseet in Stockholm. The report, which is written by Númi Östlund, shows that exchange rate volatility has...
Published 5 June 2018 – Read more

Research cooperation in a new era

We need to talk more about research. About its intrinsic value, and its importance for development at large. Sometimes viewed as a costly subsidy of elites in poorer countries, aid to research has not always been a priority among donors....
Published 21 September 2017 – Read more

Three new members of the Expert Group

We are pleased to announce that the Minister for International Development Cooperation has, as of 1 June, appointed three new Expert Group members. We warmly welcome Helena Lindholm (chair), Johan Schaar and Fredrik...
Published 1 June 2017 – Read more

Do anti-discrimination measures reduce poverty?

Discriminatory structures tend to keep people in poverty since they are not given full access to e.g. service provision or the educational system. One of the strongest messages of the Agenda 2030 framework is that no one will be left...
Published 1 March 2017 – Read more

Hans Rosling, 1948-2017

A voice for knowledge and decency has fallen silent. During Hans’ three years as a member of EBA, we learnt to know him as a devoted and fearless defender of humanitarian principles and knowledge based decisions; a person with a warm...
Published 8 February 2017 – Read more

ODA displaced?

On February 2, EBA launched the report “Making Waves: Implications of the irregular migration and refugee situation on Official Development Assistance spending and practices in Europe ” (the report was launched during following...
Published 3 February 2017 – Read more

Ends and Means: results in development management

International development cooperation has always been concerned with results. Whether there is an increased attention to results in recent years can be questioned, for those with good memory there has been successive waves of results...
Published 8 September 2016 – Read more

Aid and the private sector, JDI ≠ PPP ≠ PSD

The importance of the private sector for economic development is undisputable. Private actors - whether we talk about firms or other organisations - are an essential part of the web that forms a well-functioning society. In the process of...
Published 16 December 2015 – Read more

Three interesting seminars in Stockholm and Gothenburg

In the last few months I have as a new vice chairperson of EBA had the privilege of participating in three EBA seminars of which I have moderated two; one in Stockholm and one in Gothenburg. The attendance has more than met expectations...
Published 9 November 2015 – Read more

Support to PFM-reforms abroad starts at home

Most would agree that prudent and effective Public Finance Management (PFM) is essential in low- and middle income countries. Well-functioning institutions are key to economic growth and development and are a necessary (albeit not...
Published 9 October 2015 – Read more

Concentration difficulties? It´s politics, stupid!

Sweden has repeatedly been criticized for spreading its bilateral Official Development Assistance (ODA) thinly. For example, the OECD’s recent peer review of Sweden’s development assistance  concluded that “In the absence of clear...
Published 4 September 2015 – Read more

Inequalities challenge health progress

What would it take to reach a ”grand convergence” in global health by 2035? What actions are necessary in order to reduce mortality in low- and lower middle-income countries to the levels of the healthiest middle income countries of...
Published 13 November 2014 – Read more

EBA and its “double independence”

How does EBA pursue its work on a daily basis? Well, we first try to find the most important questions to study, and then decide on who should get the assignment of writing reports on these issues. Some of the ideas come from the expert...
Published 19 June 2014 – Read more

Welcome to a new committee!

The Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) was set up by the Swedish government in 2013. The Terms of Reference announce that we "will continuously evaluate and analyse Sweden’s international development cooperation in order to improve...
Published 19 June 2014 – Read more