Past seminars
Webinar: Lancet Commission on Investing in Health 3.0
Webinar on how smart investments in health can significantly improve health and life expectancy in low- and middle-income countries by 2050 Angela Chang, Justina Seyi-Olajide...
Persistence of Poverty – Trends and Progress in Turbulent Times
During this joint EBA/Sida seminar we discussed how global poverty reduction has slowed to a near standstill during the past five years, and that prospects are bleak. If...
How to support constitution building processes
See the EBA webinar on forms of international support to national constitution-building processes. A wave of autocratization is sweeping the world, the rule of law is in...
International webinar about Supporting Local Actors for More Effective Humanitarian Assistance
Watch the webinar here: There is wide agreement that humanitarian assistance would be better and more effective with more prominent roles for local and national actors...
From conflict to long-term development – lessons learnt from Sweden’s aid to Liberia
Watch the seminar: Liberia is one of the first countries for Sweden's development co-operation. As Sweden has been a relatively large and long-term donor in Liberia, we can...
Development cooperation in middle income countries?
A majority of the world’s poor live in middle income countries. What is, and should be, the role for development cooperation in this country category? Watch the seminar:...
Political Voice in Times of Democratic Backsliding
Please note: This seminar will not be recorded or live streamed, only in-person attendance is available Register here! 2024 will go down in history as a super election year....
Supporting Local Actors for a More Effective Humanitarian Assistance
Watch the seminar: In 2016, governments and international organisations agreed to give local actors larger roles in humanitarian assistance. Local...
Trade and Markets for Development
Registration and coffee/tea from 9.30 a.m. The Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) has published two Development Dissertation Briefs (DDBs), based on recently...
Implementing a Feminist Foreign Policy: Lessons from Sweden
Watch the seminar below: Since Sweden declared a feminist foreign policy in 2014, a dozen other countries have followed...
Natural Resources and Conflict
When? Wednesday, 11 October at 1.30 p.m.–3.00 p.m. Where? Sensus, Klara Södra kyrgogata 1, Stockholm. Conference room: "Våga" Registration and coffee/tea from 1.00 p.m....
More Than a Label, Less Than a Revolution: Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy
In the years 2014–2022, Sweden was the first country in the world to pursue a feminist foreign policy. The policy was promoted as an agenda for change and results that would...
Does SRHR Aid Work? Evidence and Knowledge Gaps
Watch the stream afterwards here: Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are fundamental for people’s wellbeing. The promotion of SRHR is an important part of...
Swedish launch of the World Bank’s annual report
How can countries and people better benefit from migration? How can refugees be protected, and their means of livelihood secured? How should the world deal with changes in global...
Payment by Results in Aid: Does it Work in practice?
Watch the stream aferwards here: During the last 10–15 years, a new type of aid has been tested and discussed intensively:...
Social Protection in the Global South: The Role of Foreign Aid
Watch the stream afterwards here: Despite the rapid expansion of social protection programmes across the Global South in recent decades, the ILO estimates that more than half...
The International humanitarian system – can it match the challenges?
How is the international humanitarian system performing on health, refugee crises, active conflict, reducing mortality and averting hunger? Does it cause harm? Is it becoming more...
Swedish Development Cooperation with Ethiopia: Sixty Years of Lessons Learned
The seminar can be watched afterwards here: One of Sweden’s most long standing and important partner countries within development cooperation is without a doubt Ethiopia....
Migration, recovery and reconstruction – consequences of the war in Ukraine
What is the role of the EU in matters of migration and return of Ukrainian citizens? And how can Sweden and the EU assist in the reconstruction of a war-torn Ukraine? In a...
EU country and joint programming – Swedish lessons learned
The webinar can be watched afterwards here: Partner countries are a key arena for coordination, collaboration and cooperation...
Social Protection for Refugees: Utopia or Necessity?
Watch the seminar here on youtube or register for zoom/onsite attendance: The global number of forcibly displaced people is record high,...
A Spotlight on Learning in Humanitarian Work
Watch the seminar here: To mark ALNAP’s 25th anniversary, we will take the opportunity to shine a light on learning and its role in improving humanitarian performance and...
Building peace! Lessons from the Peacebuilding work of The Folke Bernadotte Academy
Welcome to a seminar arranged by the Expert Group for Aid Studies. Watch the seminar here: Since its founding in 2002 the Folke...
Improving healthcare in conflict zones – evidence from Palestine, Colombia, and Red Cross hospitals
Health systems face numerous constraints in armed conflicts. Equal health is an important objective in Swedish development cooperation and the conflict perspective should be...
Informed or Knowledgeable: Evaluation of Aid Information and Communication Projects 2010–2020
This seminar is in Swedish but You can find an English summary of the report...
Practicing Peacebuildning Principles
Watch the seminar here: Sweden has long been at the forefront of promoting international principles for engagement in fragile and...
Webinar: State-to-state or Bypass?
Watch our webinar here: Why do some donor governments channel their aid through recipient governments, while others bypass such...
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Measuring Values and Norms to Guide Swedish Development Cooperation
This seminar is given in Swedish...
Election Assistance in Times of Democratic Backlash
Watch the seminar: The international community of Election Assistance (EA) practitioners has over decades built norms and...
Credible Explanations of Development Outcomes with Bayesian Theory-Based Evaluation
Watch the seminar: This workshop introduces an innovative method to conduct theory-based evaluations presented in a new EBA report, Credible Explanations of Development...
Swedish Aid to Afghanistan – What Are the Lessons Learned?
Watch the seminar: Following the Taliban takeover of Kabul, Afghanistan and the Afghan people have come up against a new and dire situation. In this moment, it is crucial...
Measuring the Effects of Development Assistance: Impacts on Democracy
Watch the seminar. Welcome to a mini-seminar on evaluation methods and democracy aid arranged by EBA as part of the GEI gLocal Evaluation Week! Reliable answers on the...
Relevant? Almost Always: The Role of the Relevance Criterion in Development M&E
Watch the seminar. Welcome to a seminar on the relevance criterion in development M&E arranged by EBA as part of the GEI gLocal Evaluation Week! The use of the...
DDB Webinar: Listening to Locals in Peacebuilding – Experiences from Bosnia, Myanmar and International Peacebuilding Partnerships
Watch the seminar. Welcome to an EBA DDB webinar on the local-international relationship in peacebuilding! Swedish development cooperation is increasingly directed at...
Enprocentmålet – för- och nackdelar med ett utgiftsmål inom biståndet
The one per cent target was agreed by the Riksdag (the Swedish Parliament) in 1968. Since then it has been a self-evident part of Swedish aid. A spending target has major...
How Can Development Cooperation Support Climate Action?
Se seminariet i efterhand. Welcome to a webinar on international support to national climate change action, with a focus on Nationally Determined Contributions. This...
Democracy aid: any effects?
Watch the seminar. Global democracy is under threat. At the same time, the evidence whether development cooperation can impact democracy has been debated. Sweden is one of...
DDB seminar: How to mitigate disasters: reducing risks, estimating needs and ensuring health system resilience
Watch the seminar. What challenges and opportunities characterize disaster risk reduction at the national level? How can needs be estimated during disasters in order to...
Welcome to an EBA-webinar: Aid in times of a changing climate
Watch the seminar. In 2009, the Swedish Government launched the Climate Change Initiative (CCI), a four-year programme of investments in climate change adaptation and...
Financing Private Development Investments in Sub-Saharan Africa
Increasing international efforts are put on mobilizing private investments to sustainable development in poor countries. This goes for Development Finance Institutes and...
Fish Stocks and Aid Flows: Poverty Reduction in Times of Resource Depletion
Aid to fisheries has been part of Swedish and international development cooperation for long. However, knowledge about effects is limited. A new EBA report: ‘Fishing Aid:...
Enhanced gender equality through social protection programmes – what do we know?
Social protection programmes, especially cash transfers provided to poor and vulnerable households in low- and middle-income countries, have increased drastically...
Towards a More Effective Climate Financing: The Nordic Development Fund Evaluated
A decade ago, the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) had its mandate changed into financing of investments for climate change adaptation. A fresh evaluation of the NDF, with its...
Left behind – anti-discrimination in the fight against poverty
The ultimate purpose of development cooperation is to reduce poverty. In slogans and high profiled speeches, the international community aims to “leave no one behind”....
Migration and development: The role for development aid
In current debates in Sweden there are different assumptions about what effect development assistance might have on migration. But what do we in fact know about this, based on...
Risk management in development cooperation – the challenge to simultaneously act responsibly and responsively!
In Fit for Fragility? An exploration of risk stakeholders and systems inside Sida, challenges to handle the simultaneous requirements for accountability and flexibility in...
Swedish Aid to Bosnia and Herzegovina – the Case of Inclusive Economic Development
Many people worldwide remember the tragic 1990s Balkan wars. The conflicts and their aftermath meant a large commitment for Sweden in terms of humanitarian and, later,...
The State of the Underfunded Humanitarian System
The number of people in urgent need of humanitarian assistance has increased sharply. Funding through the UN coordinated appeals covers less and less of expressed needs –...
Ownership in a New Era of Development Cooperation
What happens to ownership when development cooperation increasingly moves from bilateral relations to broader cooperation with a multitude of actors involved? Ownership is...
EBA at the Swedish Forum for Human Rights, 15-17 November
Welcome to EBA’s stand during the Swedish Forum for Human Rights, 15-17 November, at Stockholmsmässan in Älvsjö. We are on site with lots of exciting reports to share with...
What can Swedish development cooperation learn from the Budget Support era?
Registration from 12.30. Coffee is served after the seminar. General Budget Support (GBS) is a form of programme aid, not linked to specific projects. The...
Sthlm Evaluation Week
When: 24-28 september, 2018 Where: Sida's head office, Valhallavägen in Stockholm #SthlmEvalWeek The Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) and Sida invite you...
Swedish aid in shrinking democratic spaces
We discuss development cooperation in shrinking democratic spaces. What are the possibilities and pitfalls for evaluation in this kind of context? How do actors manage rapid...
DevRes 2018, EBA panel: Rethinking evaluation of development cooperation in a new era
A changing world necessitates dynamically changing systems for aid and international development cooperation. Factors such as the emergence of new economies, migration processes,...
MIND THE GAP! How can humanitarian and development aid work together? The case of Syria
Humanitarian and development actors often find it difficult to coordinate their work in the field - they have for example different objectives and different time horizons....
Overcoming Barriers to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
Gender equality and women's wellbeing are key for achieving sustainable development. Ensuring global access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is therefore a...
The (Fluctuating) Value of Aid
Watch the seminar. Volatility in currency exchange rates decreases the predictability of international aid. In a new report from the Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA),...
Swedfund, DFIs and development impact
Sustainable economic growth through sustainable businesses is vital for achieving the goals under the 2030 agenda and for job creation in poor countries. A precondition for...
The politics of the results agenda: What can we learn from development cooperation history in Sweden and the UK?
The results agenda has been (and arguably still is) influential on how development assistance is governed, implemented and communicated. While it is a sound policy to expect...
Development progress from the bottom up? Improving knowledge of Swedish aid with geo coded data
This seminar highlights and discuss opportunities and limitations in geocoded aid data as a resource for Swedish development cooperation and Sweden's partner countries. The...
Financing the UN Funds and Programmes: is Sweden being taken for a ride?
Donors’ core funding to multilateral organisations goes straight into the overall budget and allows management of these organisations to allocate resources according to the...
Three methods for rigorous impact evaluation: strengths and weaknesses with RCT, GIE and QCA
Deltagande kräver anmälan till SVUF-konferensen: The purpose of the session is to introduce and discuss three methods for impact evaluation with focus on...
Leaving no one behind in practice: Development Research for or by the south?
Welcome to two EBA-panels at the EADI General Conference in Bergen, Norway, 21 August 2017 Academic panel, 11:30-13:00 This academic panel is the first part of two panels at...
Swedish Research Aid
The global problems articulated in Agenda 2030 need global awareness and the solutions require commitment, inclusion and cooperation within and between politics, policy and the...
Two sides of the same coin? Are learning and accountability compatible in aid evaluation?
Is it possible to undertake evaluations that provide deep insights for learning while at the same time address accountability issues? Is it possibly so that if evaluations from...
Local peacebuilding – challenges and opportunities
Peacebuilding is at a crossroads. While it is one of the most important instruments for addressing crisis and fragility, it is also persistently criticised. Chiefly the critique...
Animal health matters
Increasing livestock populations in rural areas is not enough to reduce poverty in low income countries. Productivity gains are needed. Since animal diseases are of decisive...
Marginalized and poor – does targeted anti-discrimination measures work?
The UN has declared that eradication of poverty in all its forms and dimensions is the greatest global challenge ahead and pledges that no one will be left behind on the journey...
Migration and Foreign Aid
Increasingly high numbers of refugees and migrants have come to Europe over the past five years seeking protection. Beyond hosting and providing assistance to new arrivals, the EU...
Drivers of development – What do we know? And what to do?
Sweden has an ambitious approach in promoting global development through the Policy for Global Development (PGU) and through Swedish international development cooperation. Over...
Sweden’s support for development in Africa
Sweden has a long history of development cooperation with Africa. Bilateral and regional support to sub-Saharan Africa still constitutes a substantial part of Swedish aid. But...
Beyond the “results agenda” in international development cooperation?
Demonstrating results has been a concern in international development cooperation ever since it was started and in recent years there has been an increased focus on achieving and...
Impact Evaluation using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)
Within all policy areas; what to evaluate, when to evaluate, and how to evaluate are questions of central importance. Proper evaluation demands appropriate evaluation methods, and...
Gender in Humanitarian aid and women in African natural Resources Booms
In our series Development Dissertation Briefs (DDB), fledgling PhDs are given the opportunity to summarize their dissertation, focusing on its relevance for Swedish development...
Aid to education – what works in a complex world?
Knowledge is a major driver of development in this rapidly changing and increasingly interdependent world. Good quality education plays a fundamental role in interlinking human...
Double dividends of climate aid – an effective way forward?
Monday 21 March, 2016 at 09:00 – 12:00 Registration from 08:30, Venue: Drottninggatan 5 More and more aid is used for climate related interventions in developing countries. In...
Call for papers, Development Research Conference, Stockholm, August
EBA is arranging a panel at this years Development Research Conference to be held at Stockholm University on August 22-24. The EBA panel is named "Aid in local contexts" (panel no...
Business and Human Rights in development cooperation – is Sweden on the right track?
January 27, Venue: “Pressrummet”, Fredsgatan 6 15:00 – 16:45, coffee and registration from 14:30 In recent years there has been an increased emphasis on business...
DDB-seminar: Drivers for development: advocacy, diversification, donations and endowments
In the Expert Group for Aid Studies’ (EBA) Development Dissertation Briefs seminar series, recent PhDs present their research, focusing on its relevance for Swedish development...
Time to reconsider the development agenda and to focus on the enemy number one?
December 15, at 14:30 – 16:30, coffee and registration from 14:00 Venue: “Rosenbads konferenscenter”, Drottninggatan 5 World leaders have agreed that it´s key to...
Collaboration with the Private Sector in Sweden’s Development Cooperation
The necessity of private sector development for economic development is not disputed. However, its sufficiency, as well as the role of aid in that process is more controversial....
DDB-seminar: Conflict, sexual violence and statebuilding in Sweden´s development cooperation
As one of Sweden’s six aid policy sub-goals, safeguarding human security and freedom from violence is an important part of Sweden’s development cooperation. Sweden’s aid to...
How can Sweden contribute to institutional reform in partner countries?
The importance of well-functioning institutions – formal and informal ’rules of the game’ – for development is widely acknowledged nowadays. Much has also been written on...
New conditions and new actors – time to rethink civil society support?
Democratic development is a core element in Swedish development cooperation. What are the implications of current global changes for donors supporting democratic development...
What Role for the African Development Bank in a New Africa?
The African Development Bank (AfDB) is an important actor in Swedish aid. Like other development banks it subsidizes loans to low income countries (LIC) with a combination of aid...
International party assistance – does it matter?
Democratic development has been a thematic priority for many years in Swedish development cooperation. Democracy support includes a wide range of support mechanisms, including...
How Can Swedish Development Aid Contribute to a Grand Convergence in Global Health by 2035?
Leading international researchers recently concluded that major improvements in global health are within reach. By 2035 mortality and ill-health in low income countries may be...
Swedish aid – for the poor?
Seminar on the poverty profile of Swedish aid. One of the main objectives of Swedish aid is poverty reduction. But how targeted is Swedish aid on poor countries, and on poor...
Finding the effects of Swedish aid: How to do it?
In recent years, the Swedish government has increasingly pushed for results in Swedish development cooperation, arguing that more needs to be known about what works in development...
How Effective Are Multilateral Aid Organizations?
More than a third of global aid is multilateral. For Sweden the share is even bigger and increasing. Multilateral organizations comprise UN development organizations, multilateral...