Welcome to an EBA-webinar: Aid in times of a changing climate

28 april, 14:00-16:00, Zoom

Se seminariet i efterhand.

In 2009, the Swedish Government launched the Climate Change Initiative (CCI), a four-year programme of investments in climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, targeting some of the poorest countries. As part of a broader government initiative on climate and energy, totalling about SEK 7 billion, the CCI amounted to SEK 4 billion of ODA. The initiative was based on the recommendations from the Commission on Climate Change and Development that the Government previously had launched.

Ten years later, this surge of climate finance, including the bilateral, regional and multilateral activities to which it was put to use, has been evaluated with a focus on long-term effects and sustainability. The evaluation is presented in a synthesis report and ten separate case study reports.

What can be learned ten years later? A general conclusion is that the CCI helped Sweden to take a leading role, and promoting e.g. country ownership and gender equality, in key international organisations.

Some other lessons generated concern the links between aid effectiveness and alignment with the Paris Agreement on climate change; how good adaptation measures may be shaped; and how to promote multilevel governance between local – national – regional and international levels.

John Colvin, lead author, Emerald Network Ltd
Heather McGray, Climate Justice Resilience Fund
Johan Kuylenstierna, Stockholm University and Swedish Climate Policy Council
Lisa Schipper, Oxford University

Moderator: Johan Schaar, EBA