Enhanced gender equality through social protection programmes – what do we know?

17 oktober, 08:30-11:00, Fredsgatan 2, Medelhavsmuseet

Social protection programmes, especially cash transfers provided to poor and vulnerable households in low- and middle-income countries, have increased drastically during the past decades. These programmes aim to reduce poverty – but what impact can they have on gender equality?

At this seminar, the EBA will launch a new overview, by the organization Promundo, which has assessed whether social safety net programmes have included a gender analysis with a perspective of men. The authors argue for applying a gender transformative approach where men are understood as allies for achieving women’s empowerment.

We will discuss the possibilities and limitations of this and explore what roles different actors could have.


09.00 Introduction
Julia Schalk, EBA

Development and impact of social protection systems in low- and middle-income countries Miguel Niño-Zarazúa, Development Economist, Senior Research Fellow at UNU-WIDER

Sweden’s support to social protection systems, a global overview
Ulrika Lång, Senior Policy Advisor Social Protection and Institutional Development, Africa Department, Sida

Applying a Men and Masculinities Lens to the Gendered Impacts of Social Safety Nets
Gary Barker, President and CEO, Promundo
Giovanna Lauro, Vice President of Programs and Research, Promundo

10.10 Panel Discussion
Miguel Niño-Zarazúa, Development Economist, Senior Research Fellow at UNU-WIDER
Ulrika Lång, Senior Policy Advisor Social Protection and Institutional Development, Africa Department, Sida
Gary Barker, President and CEO, Promundo
Gunnel Axelsson Nycander, Policy Advisor, Act Svenska Kyrkan

Moderator: Julia Schalk, EBA

11.00 Seminar ends