Risk management in development cooperation – the challenge to simultaneously act responsibly and responsively!

13 juni, 14:00-15:30, Medelhavsmuseet, Fredsgatan 2

Welcome to a seminar on risk management in aid!

In Fit for Fragility? An exploration of risk stakeholders and systems inside Sida, challenges to handle the simultaneous requirements for accountability and flexibility in development cooperation are analysed. Effective aid must accept risk, especially when it operates in politically unstable and fragile environments. How do Sida and its partners, in practice, handle the tradeoffs between the risk associated with an activity and the potential future award in terms of poverty reduction and enhanced human rights? How can it be done as part of effective risk management? And what role does strategic communication play?


13.30 Registration and coffee.

14.00 Welcome and introduction.

Presentation of the EBA report Fit for fragility? An exploration of risk stakeholders and systems inside Sida by Nilima Gulrajani and Linnea Mills

Panel discussion

Moderator: Johan Schaar

15.30 Seminar ends

Speakers and panelists

Nilima Gulrajani, Senior Research Fellow at the ODI (author)

Linnea Mills, independent research consultant (author)

Magnus Lindell, former Deputy Auditor General at the Swedish National Audit Office

Kajsa Johansson, Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SAK)

Hans Magnusson, Director, Africa Department, Sida

The seminar is moderated by Johan Schaar, vice chair of the Expert Group for Aid Studies and chair, ALNAP.