Evaluation of the relevance of Swedish reform cooperation for EU accession

The Swedish government has decided to prioritize aid to countries in Sweden’s immediate neighbourhood in the coming years. This refers to countries in Eastern Europe, the Western Balkans and Caucasus. The Swedish Governments concludes...


Swedish Aid to Health Systems Strengthening

Strong health systems (HSS) are necessary to achieve target 3.8 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which is about achieving universal health coverage. HSS is a health aid priority for the Swedish government and thus also for Sida,...


Synergies for climate finance

This study is about exploring the possibility for Swedish public finance institutions to better collaborate for increased climate benefit. The proposal focuses on Swedfund, Sida, Swedish Export Credit Agency (SEK) and the Export Credit...


Evaluation of Sida’s application of multidimensional poverty analyses

The overriding objective of Swedish international development cooperation is to create opportunities for people living in poverty and under oppression to improve their living conditions. Since 2017, Sida is conducting analyses of...




Protracted Displacement and Economic Inclusion: How to Enable Refugee and Host Population Agency?

Måns Fellesson, Mats Hårsmar

In situations of protracted displacement, solutions need to go beyond traditional humanitarian assistance and actors, towards investing in the agency of the people concerned (displaced people as well as host populations). Such needs are...


What are they fighting for?

What do warring parties in civil conflicts say they are fighting for? To what extent are these issues then negotiated when peace agreements are signed? And if so, what does it mean for how successful the peace agreements will be? This...


Evaluation of Sweden’s efforts to strengthen state capacity in fragile and conflict-affected...

EBA has commissioned an evaluation on Sweden’s efforts to strengthen state capacity in fragile and conflict affected situations. The following questions shall guide the study: To what extent and how have Swedish aid made a clear...


Evaluation of Sida´s Efforts to increase Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa

Productive employment and decent work is one of the most important ways out of poverty for individuals and groups in low- and middle-income countries. This means that job creation and employment can be considered key goals for development...


Land Tenure and Strategies of Climate Resilience

The links between land tenure and adaptation to climate change are now well established. The IPCC as well as UN-Habitat have shown that tenure rights are important preconditions for peoples’ and societies’ capacity to be resilient to...