What we know about humanitarian aid, poverty reduction and health

The aim of Swedish aid is to create the conditions for better living standards for people living in poverty and oppression. But what do we really know about how aid can do this?

In a number of studies, the EBA has examined the extent to which aid goes to countries with the largest number of poor people and whether the efforts have focused on effective poverty reduction. In addition, EBA has commissioned research into whether Swedish aid has contributed to poverty reduction and whether certain types of aid have had an effect on poverty. The results are mixed.

Examples of effective interventions include support for the development of social protection systems, the agricultural sector in low-income countries, and functioning and inclusive markets. EBA studies on health also point to the need for support to health systems in low-income countries as an important measure in effective poverty reduction.

EBA studies on humanitarian aid point to increasingly challenging situations globally, with more and more people displaced, longer periods of displacement, and growing funding gaps in UN-led appeals. Underfunding tends to lead to entire sectors – in particular social protection, water and sanitation, education – being neglected, along with entire geographical areas. Several studies analyse or point to the need for effective interaction between humanitarian and long-term assistance.


Some EBA studies in the area

Evaluation of Sida’s application of multidimensional poverty analyses | EBA

Poverty and marginalisation in Bangladesh | EBA

Private: Sweden’s Application of the Localisation Agenda of the ‘Grand Bargain’ | EBA

The Long and Winding Road: Evaluation of Swedish Long-Term Development Cooperation with Liberia | EBA

The Swedish Aid Response to the HIV Epidemic: An Overview | EBA

The Rise of Social Protection in the Global South: The Role of Foreign Aid | EBA

Social protection for the forcibly displaced in low- and middle-income countries | EBA

Agriculture, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction | EBA

Forced Displacement and the Humanitarian‐Development Nexus: A Roundtable Anthology | EBA

Underfunded Appeals: Understanding the Consequences, Improving the System | EBA

DFIs and Development Impact: an Evaluation of Swedfund | EBA

Do Anti-Discrimination Measures Reduce Poverty Among Marginalised Social Groups? | EBA

Swedish Development Cooperation with Tanzania – has it helped the poor? | EBA

Sweden’s Development Assistance for Health – Policy Options to Support the Global Health 2035 Goals | EBA

The Poverty Focus of Swedish Bilateral Aid: A Comparativ Analysis | EBA

Poverty Focus in Selected Swedish Aid portfolios | EBA