In our series Development Dissertation Briefs (DDB), fledgling PhDs are given the opportunity to summarize their dissertation, focusing on its relevance for Swedish development cooperation.
During this seminar, two development dissertation briefs will be presented. Elisabeth Olivius “Beyond the Buzzwords: Approaches to Gender in Humanitarian Aid” and Anja Tolonen “Women in African Natural Resource Booms”
The seminar will be held in Swedish.
12.00 Introduction
Julia Schalk, member of the EBA
Presentation of the EBA Development Dissertation Briefs
Beyond the Buzzwords: Approaches to Gender in Humanitarian Aid
Elisabeth Olivius, PhD, 2014, Umeå University
Women in African natural Resources Booms
Anja Tolonen, PhD, 2015, Barnard College, Columbia University
Carolina Wennerholm, Senior Policy Specialist, Gender Equaltiy, Sida
Anja Tolonen
Elisabeth Olivius
Moderator: Julia Schalk
13.55 Concluding remarks