Trade and Markets for Development

7 february, 10:00-11:30, Medelhavsmuseet, Fredsgatan 2, Stockholm.

Registration and coffee/tea from 9.30 a.m.


The Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) has published two Development Dissertation Briefs (DDBs), based on recently published doctoral dissertations on the topic of trade and development from Swedish universities. Trade is central in creating opportunities for sustainable and long-term development. In the government´s new aid policy, aid and trade are clearly linked. Stimulating economic growth and trade is a central point of departure for the government’s work against global poverty. What does the latest research look like regarding trade and development?

Welcome to attend a seminar with the authors; Tillmann von Carnap and Blanca González García-Mon. They will present and discuss their research. Their research explores questions like: How can the linkages between rural development and local markets be investigated with satellite images? And how can the complex trade networks in agricultural and fishing industries cope with the changes required to secure sustainable food systems, given the crises we face today?

The seminar will not be held online.



  • Tillmann von Carnap, Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University ”Markets and marketplaces. Essays on access and transformation in remote rural economies” Currently postdoctoral scholar at the Center for Food Security and the Environment, Stanford University.
  • Blanca González-Mon, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University “Harvesting from land and sea: Social relationships, trade networks, and spatial connectivity in changing social-ecological systems”

Discussant: Anamaria Deliu, Trade Policy Adviser/Project Manager, Open Trade Gate Sweden, National Board of Trade

Moderator: Torgny Holmgren, Senior Advisor, Global and Sustainable Development

Panel discussion with the authors and discussant, followed by Q&As.
