2019 Evaluation of Aid Review

The EBA Aid Review 2019

By March 31 each year the EBA submits a report to the Government of Sweden summarising the content and conclusion of our reports and seminars. In the 2019 Aid Review we present work conducted during 2018 and also briefly summarise our ongoing work. The report is written for a wide audience of policy makers, practitioners and students as well as the general public with an interest in development issues.

In 2018 the EBA has addressed some of the major and recurring issues of development assistance, such as those relating to ownership or the sustainability of aid. We have also looked into topics that may seem minor or technical, but have a clear impact on aid effectiveness, such as exchange rate volatility.

The EBA Aid Review 2019 is available in two formats:

  • PRINT – order your copy from the EBA Secretariat at ud.eba@gov.se