2017 Evaluation of Aid Description of method

Analytical Framework for Portfolio Analyses of Swedish Development Cooperation

Johanna Lindgren Garcia, Annika Nilsson

This study is based on an expressed need at EBA to supplement its research reports with portfolio analyses that describe what Swedish development cooperation does in a specific country or sector. In addition, there is a need to analyse what Sweden is doing in terms of non-discrimination.

The study develop a generic model for portfolio analyses of Swedish bilateral development cooperation, which can be easily replicated across countries and sectors. The model is used to conduct a portfolio analysis of non-discrimination measures that have been part of bilateral development cooperation in Palestine and Mozambique.

Main findings 

  • The analytical model could be applicable to all portfolios, both country- and thematic area- based.
  • In Mozambique, non-discrimination measures were applied in about 25 % of the contribution in 2015.
  • In terms of funding, the thematic area of Social services was the largest in Palestine.

Annika Nilsson
Johanna Lindgren Garcia