New study launched on long-term solutions to protracted refugee situations

In situations of protracted displacement, solutions need to go beyond traditional humanitarian assistance and actors, towards investing in the agency of the people concerned (displaced people as well as host populations). Such needs are supposed to be met with development cooperation and/or local financing.

This study focuses on interventions for longer-term solutions that are perceived to constitute positive examples. How are the selected interventions supportive of both refugees’ and host populations’ self-reliance, livelihoods, and economic inclusion? What factors have contributed to progress, opportunities, and/or impediments in the operationalization of the selected interventions? What changes in the implementation approaches and/or conditions would be needed to improve the result of the selected interventions? Case studies are conducted in Kenya and Uganda.

Måns Fellesson
Mats Hårsmar

Reference group:
Malin Oud (chair)
Karen Jacobsen (Tufts University)
Stefan Leiderer (DEval)
Jörgen Lindström (MFA)
Adam Kahsai-Rudebeck (Embassy of Sweden, Kampala)

Project manager at EBA:
Jan Pettersson