DDB-seminar: Conflict, sexual violence and statebuilding in Sweden´s development cooperation

8 october, Stockholm

As one of Sweden’s six aid policy sub-goals, safeguarding human security and freedom from violence is an important part of Sweden’s development cooperation. Sweden’s aid to conflict, peace and security has more than doubled during the last decade. As announced by the Swedish Government, fragile states and conflict prevention will be prioritised also after the ongoing revision of the aid policy framework. Furthermore, the Minister for International Development Cooperation, Isabella Lövin, is co-chairing The International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding with its New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States. In this seminar, four recently defended dissertations on the theme are presented, focusing on their policy relevance. These presentations form the basis for a discussion on the implications for Swedish development cooperation with Annika Sundén, chief economist, Sida, and Mimmi Söderberg Kovacs, Head of Research, the Folke Bernadotte Academy. Four DDB-reports are presented during the seminar: Public Participation in Constitution Building, Abrak Saati; Armed Group Impunity for Sexual Violence, Angela Muvumba Sellström; Causes of Communal Conflicts, Johan Brosché; Motivational Change and Divergence Inside FARC-EP, Michael Jonsson.


15.00 Introduction

15.05 Presentation of the EBA Development Dissertations Briefs

Public Participation in Constitution Building 
Abrak Saati, PhD, 2015, Department of Political Science, Umeå University

Armed Group Impunity for Sexual Violence
Angela Muvumba Sellström, PhD, 2015, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University

Causes of Communal Conflicts
Johan Brosché, PhD, 2014, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University

Motivational Change and Divergence Inside FARC-EP
Michael Jonsson, PhD, 2014, Department of Government, Uppsala University

16.05 Discussion
Report authors Abrak Saati, Angela Muvumba Sellström, Johan Brosché, Michael Jonsson
Annika Sundén, Chief Economist, Sida
Mimmi Söderberg Kovacs, Head of Research, the Folke Bernadotte Academy

16.55 Concluding remarks