English-Swedish glossary of key terms in aid evaluation

Lena Johansson de Château, Stefan Dahlgren, Joakim Molander, Sven Olander, Jan Pettersson

This glossary provides conceptual clarity to enable thoughtful approaches to results-based management, monitoring and evaluation. General concepts that are defined elsewhere are used here in standard, widely accepted ways and are therefore not included in this glossary. Notes define and explain key concepts, and form part of the definitions. Cross-references point the reader to related terms and synonyms. The terms are listed in the document in alphabetical order in English and Swedish, respectively.

The elaboration of the English original (OECD, 2023) has been guided by the highest considerations of clarity and conciseness. It was conducted in a spirit of compromise, with partners agreeing not to impose their preferred approaches or specific vocabulary on others. The original Glossary, published in 2002 was the fruit of almost two years of elaboration, based on an initial collection of terms used by development agencies. The selection of terms and their definitions were carefully discussed and analysed, and benefited from inputs from many sources and advice from the academic evaluation community.
This Swedish glossary is both a partly limited and partly expanded translation of the English original (OECD, 2023). Concepts where the Swedish use differ from the definitions in the original, and descriptions of methods that are easily available elsewhere (for example, at www.betterevaluation.org) have been excluded. Concepts relevant for the Swedish context have been added.

This English/Swedish, Swedish/English version has been translated and authored by a working group consisting of Stefan Dahlgren (independent consultant, Head of Evaluation, Sida 1991–1994), Lena Johansson de Château (Head of Evaluation, Sida), Joakim Molander (Head of Budget and Programme Performance, International IDEA, previous member of EBA, Head of Evaluation, Sida 2016–2017), Sven Olander (Senior Programme Officer, Sida, Head of Evaluation, Sida 2018–2022) and Jan Pettersson (Managing Director, EBA). The members of the working group are solely responsible for the content of this glossary.