During this joint EBA/Sida seminar we discussed how global poverty reduction has slowed to a near standstill during the past five years, and that prospects are bleak. If economic growth continues to be slow and inequality remains unchanged, current poverty reduction goals will remain out of reach for many decades to come.
What do these trends imply for the global fight against poverty? How can we understand and counteract factors and processes that keep people trapped in extreme poverty? How can we accelerate progress in times of slower economic growth and increasing planetary pressures? And how can better insights on poverty strengthen development cooperation?
The seminar was based on the World Bank’s Poverty, Prosperity, and Planet Report – Pathways Out of the Polycrisis.
The seminar was fully booked after only a few hours and the room was packed when representatives from the World Bank, Sida and EBA gave their views on the current state of play in poverty reduction, aid, and development:
Luis Felipe López-Calva, Global Director for Poverty and Equity, World Bank. Download his presentation
Elina Scheja, Chief Economist, Sida
Mats Hårsmar, Deputy Managing Director, Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA)
Jan Pettersson, Managing Director at the Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA), Moderator
Mats Hårsmar, Jan Pettersson, Elina Scheja, Luis Felipe López-Calva